
#216 Missing summary of errors in the Console

Console (25)
Ouray Viney

I was testing out Grinder 3.8 and was using some script developed with Grinder 3.4. One thing I noticed that doesn't seem right is the aggregation of ERRORs in the console, both in the grid view and in the summary view (left most summary box - Mean TPS, Mean Response Time, Total Tests etc.).

I will upload a screenshot later today, don't have access to the assets at the moment.

Note: I tested this with Grinder 3.8 and 3.9 and a local build from 'git'.

Java version: 1.6.0_13-b03


  • Ouray Viney

    Ouray Viney - 2012-10-14

    An update, this seems to still be the case in Grinder 3.10. If you run a test that has some errors, the total of errors in the Console is incorrect. I will add a screenshot in some point. Don't have access to a console with the errors at the moment but will be able to add this next week.

  • Philip Aston

    Philip Aston - 2012-10-14
    • assigned_to: Philip Aston
    • milestone: --> 3.12

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