
Negative resistance in impedance matrix

  • FelixMx

    FelixMx - 2017-02-03

    Hello GridLAB-D-Team,

    when modelling a triplex_line_configuration with the impedance matrix, I get a warning, saying that the line has a negative resistance in its impedance matrix:
    WARNING [INIT] : INIT: triplex_line:SRV1FSJA755 has a negative resistance in it's impedance matrix. This will result in unusual behavior. Please check the line's geometry and cable parameters.

    This is the line:
    object triplex_line { name SRV1FSJA755; phases BS; from BUSLVSJA250; to BUSLVSJA1345; configuration TRPX6AACAAC; length 10.8946 m; }

    and this is the configuration:
    object triplex_line_configuration { name TRPX6AACAAC;
    z11 4.7459+1.382j;
    z12 0.4955+1.2114j;
    z21 0.4955+1.2114j;
    z22 4.7459+1.382j; }

    I don't see, why there would be a negative resistance.

    Can you see a mistake?

    The project is a pretty big one now, but if you need more information, I can attach the complete project.

    Thank you.

    Mod Edit: Removed duplicate thread and removed portion


    Last edit: Frank Tuffner 2017-02-03
    • Frank Tuffner

      Frank Tuffner - 2017-02-03

      Hello FelixMX,

      Which version of GridLAB-D are you using? This is actually an issue we found/encountered recently and I believe fixed in the /develop branch up on GitHub. If you aren't using the latest version of that, you may try updating to that (it should fix the error). This fix will be incorporated into the next release, as well, but that's still a few weeks out.

      The good news is this warning was popping up basically due to a logic hole. The impedance wasn't actually going negative, it was just the way the check was put in place, it wasn't always checking the right thing.


  • Andy Fisher

    Andy Fisher - 2017-02-03

    Hi Felix,

    We encountered this error recently and found that the negative resistance check was being performed at the wrong point in the code. There is no error with your setup. We have posted a fix for this so that the check is performed at the correct point in the code so that this error does not occur when you set the triplex line impedances explicitly. The fix will be available in the 4.0 release and is in the development branch of the source code on github.

  • FelixMx

    FelixMx - 2017-02-03

    Alright, thank you.
    The version is 3.2.0-5368 (Jojoba).


    Last edit: FelixMx 2017-02-03

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