
Please help me how to start with gridlab

Wang Shen
  • Wang Shen

    Wang Shen - 2016-01-09

    Could sb tell me that all the thing I need to download and how to use this great software step by step?Please! Please! Please! I've tried my best.Now I have textpad,gnuplot and some other things.But I just don't know how to integrate them.My email is Thanks!

  • Jason Fuller

    Jason Fuller - 2016-01-11


    GridLAB-D course material is available at:

    To integrate with textpad (or notepad++ or other text editors), follow textpad directions for launching an executable. I believe in textpad you would use a macro.

    • Wang Shen

      Wang Shen - 2016-01-13


      Hi.Thanks for your help.But I can not view the link you gave.Is than because my ip in China? What can I do?

  • Jason Fuller

    Jason Fuller - 2016-01-13


    No Sourceforge is an international site. It seems SF may be having some wiki problems. See my other post:

    • Wang Shen

      Wang Shen - 2016-01-25

      Hi,Jason.I found a book named "Gridlab-d" in the internet and I want to buy it.Could you tell me if this book is useful for a new one? The seller told me that the book seems to be scrambled from wiki.So I want to know about this.
      Thank you.

    • Wang Shen

      Wang Shen - 2016-01-25

      Hi,Jason.I want to know if there are books can help me start.
      Thank you.

      • David P. Chassin

        In addition to the online classes, there is rather detailed "Getting Started" documentation on the wiki pages. A general contents page that contains a list of useful resources can be found at The very first user topics are the best place I know to start. As far as books go, I would be wary of purchasing a book scraped from the wiki pages simply because the wiki is the most up-to-date resource available.

        • Wang Shen

          Wang Shen - 2016-01-26

          Thanks a lot, David.

  • Jason Fuller

    Jason Fuller - 2016-01-25


    To my knowledge, no GridLAB-D book exists. The link above, to the online classes, is the best way to get started.

    • Wang Shen

      Wang Shen - 2016-01-26

      Thank you, Jason.Anyway, I would keep learning!


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