
Greenshot repeatedly quits uploading to my imgur account

cm orley
  • cm orley

    cm orley - 2016-10-19

    I've been struggling with this for what seems like years now. I set up my imgur account info in Greenshot and it will upload just fine to imgur for a few days and then I get this error: (I had to manually past this image into imgur)

    Latest version that worked for a couple days, then not: 1.2.9 build 93 64bit (windows 7 pro)

    I run into this same issue over and over on both my home maching and my work machine. It's become very frustrating since this is the main reason I use Greenshot.

    Can you explain why this error is so persistant and never seems to get fixed?


    Last edit: cm orley 2016-10-19
  • Robin Krom

    Robin Krom - 2016-10-19

    Without having more information, it would be hard to say what is the problem.
    You need to consider that we use a service we do not control, which is Imgur.

    Imgur has changed their API a couple of times, which prevented us uploading to it. We can't smell that there are issues, without people actually reporting them. Than we need to act accordingly, and make a change, which sometimes is more complex. As Greenshot is developed in our spare time, it's not always possible to react in hours or days so sometimes we need more than weeks. If the issue occured, like last with the recent change, during one of our more complex tasks we have been working on, than it takes longer as Imgur isn't our main focus.

    To put it in perspective, if Greenshot would be paid application with (paid) support I would have money to make someone do my laundry/garden/cleaning etc and I had time to phone/email/orwhatever Imgur to ask them why a certain user can't upload.

    I can imagine you are somewhat annoyed, we are trying to rebuild Greenshot so it's going to be easier to quickly respond to such issues, this unfortunately is one of the complex things we are working on: Greenshot 2.x and our Website relocation as SF has problems hosting our website!!

    On top of that, Imgur might throttle (or even break) the uploads for a user OR an application. We don't get any feedback on this, it might be that we are hitting a limit and our (multiple times) requested whitelisting might be inactive (or not working).

    So we sometimes are with our backs against the wall!

    Anyway, back to the issue at hand... please report a bug and upload your greenshot.log here:

    You can find the location of the log via the information here: (If SF doesn't have issues, this should work)
    I will need the log, so I can see what is happening. Maybe Imgur is blocking again, whatever reason, maybe there is a authorisation issue and the token is not updates.. I can't tell from a distance.

    We need to track the issue with our ticket system, and not in here, for one we don't want to use SF (as they pretty much turned the back to us) and for us it saves time.

    Best wishes,

  • Robin Krom

    Robin Krom - 2016-10-19

    I just tested and don't have the issue... which is really a pain to try to fix it :(
    I just "re-uploaded" your image:

  • Robin Krom

    Robin Krom - 2016-10-19

    Just a sec... I used anonymous, I will need to check with OAuth...

  • Robin Krom

    Robin Krom - 2016-10-19

    Nope, no issue either... this might mean that whatever was wrong is fixed on their side or that there is an authorization issue with Greenshot on your side. If the issue is still active you might try to delete the authentication:
    Open the Greenshot about, press "i", this should open greenshot.ini from e.g. C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Greenshot
    Stop Greenshot
    remove line with RefreshToken
    Start Greenshot

    Or maybe you are using a corporate proxy, and this is blocking?

    Yesterday I build a release candidate for 1.2.9 ...

  • cm orley

    cm orley - 2016-10-19

    Robin thanks for your response. I've donated though PayPay a couple times now, alas, I can't keep donating, but it is a fantastic product.

    Through work, I was just now able to upload to my imgur account using 1.2.8 build 12 64bit. My issue has been at home with no proxy at all.

    I'll try again tonight and also try your new build. I appreciate your work and know imgur is a problem for you. I understand!

  • Robin Krom

    Robin Krom - 2016-10-19

    It's not about you spending, let's not discuss about this :)

    Although I don't want it not to work, but I hope it doesn't... I need info!

    • cm orley

      cm orley - 2016-10-20

      Well, I tried the same build again at home and this night it worked. I guess it's an issue with imgur's survers, so I'm not sure there's anything you can do about this when posting to accounts.

      (it may also be why no other program (that I know of) will post to an imgur account).

      All is good. :)

  • Robin Krom

    Robin Krom - 2016-10-20

    You can probably still find the error in the logs, maybe you can upload them...
    Do check for sensitive info, e.g. paths might contain stuff you don't want to be public.

    I'm still thinking about imgur blocking due to load issue...


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