
BUG-1933 Greenshot Installer sets bad registry key permission

  • Michel Joly de Lotbinière

    I can confirm that this bug has been fixed on Windows 7 x64 (all current MS patches): the Greenshot-INSTALLER- installer no longer adds special modify permissions for the Users group to the registry key HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Run when run with administrator privileges.

    I'm glad I checked for the latest version on the GiHub page--I'd never been aware of this potential security issue being present on my machine caused by an earlier version being installed with administrator privileges.

  • Robin Krom

    Robin Krom - 2016-07-09

    Thanks for confirming this, as I don't have time to investicate how I can check if my changes worked and the initial reporter didn't respond.
    I ALMOST wanted to roll back my changes, without someone testing them it might have done more harm that solve issues... (it was like this for years, and no-one complained so far)

    Thanks, this means I can close the ticket as tested!


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