
GIS_FM for Grass / News: Recent posts

some additional descriptions

I mentioned in my starting message, i will provide more information until half of July.
I noticed, i didn't write that this program works with Grass system .It is GIS OpenSource system
and my program is one of it's module.
If You want to use my program you have to download Grass 5.0.x version (\)
After You download sources and compile it. You can put my program sources into Grass source directory and compile
it. All instructions how to compile additional module are included into Grass doc's.
The package contain also graphics files ( and postgrSQL database dump (
All database structures I will describe soon.... read more

Posted by TomaszCzerny 2003-06-26

Starting GIS for facility managment

I have made this module for my diploma.
It is working but now i don't hava enought time
to take care of this service. I will prepare all
stuff until halp of July when I finish my school stuff.

After that i welcome all who want to see my project!

Posted by TomaszCzerny 2003-06-14