
Image_Graph 0.3.0dev1 has been released at PEAR

The announced merger between GraPHPite and the 'old' Image_Graph package at PEAR has now resulted in a first development release. This new package (inheriting the name Image_Graph) can be found at

Image_Graph is GraPHPite's successor which means that GraPHPite 1.2 is the final GraPHPite release, BUT it will for some time now be kept in maintenance mode, meaning that bug fixes (and minor enhancements) will be made on the GraPHPite source.

Image_Graph introduces a new API, much of it is the same from GraPHPite, but some is new and only meant as an improvement (both structurally and for performance).

Posted by Jesper Veggerby 2004-10-28

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