
Grand8 - Roller-coaster Simulator / News: Recent posts

Does not work under Windows yet :-(

Hi. I received requests to build a Windows binary. It's a good thing I tried: I did not pay attention to the fact that I was using unistd.h which is a Unix-specific C extension.
However I use unistd.h only for the purpose of parsing the options. So I believe Grand8 can fairly easly be ported to windows.

Posted by Régis Décamps 2004-05-24

grand8 Version 1.2 Released

Here is already a new version ! The main new feature is the sound support !
Some bug have also been fixed.

Posted by Régis Décamps 2003-03-20

Grand8 on Ice walkers

The first release of grand8 is announced on

Posted by Régis Décamps 2003-03-16

Home page

grand8 now has a tiny web-site with some screenshots.

Posted by Régis Décamps 2003-03-12

First release

I can proudly announce that grand8 is now officially released. You can download the source code in the Files section.

Posted by Régis Décamps 2003-03-12

Source code imported in the CVS tree

I have imported the source code of "dipsim", my MSc project in sourceforge.

I have chosen to change the name, because dipsim seems to be used by some other people. So, just don't worry if you see this term anywhere.

Well, I just check that everything is OK. Thus I'll release the 1st working version very soon.

Posted by Régis Décamps 2003-03-10