
Graidle / News: Recent posts

Graidle 0.6 Released

Graidle 0.6 has been released:

* graidle.php (unrelated_change): Class structure rewitten for PHP5 compliance

* graidle.php (unrelated_change): automatic fonts only for titles and axis scale

* graidle.php (drawBackbround): Transparent background

* graidle.php (unrelated_change): every include() replaced with include_once() to avoid 'Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class'

* graidle.php (setBarOffset): new method to set offset percentage to overlap bars on histograms charts... read more

Posted by Alessio Glorioso 2011-01-04

Graidle 0.5 Released

Graidle 0.5 has been released:

* Code Optimization;

* Introduction of Legend position on Top and Bottom

* new function setFontMono() - support of Monospace Fonts

* new function setFontSmallSize($size)

* new function setFontBigSize($size)

* new function setFontLegSize($size)

* new function setLegMaxLen($len)

* new function setFontLegend($fontleg,$size=8)

* modified function setFont($font,$size=8)... read more

Posted by Alessio Glorioso 2007-12-01

Graidle 0.4 Released

Graidle is a project that is proposed to realize a web application to generate graphical diagrams; There are several classes specialized in generating histograms,spider, pie charts and line charts.

Graidle 0.4 is now available for download;


* Introducing of Horizontal Histogram graph type;

* Introducing of Extended Legend for Horizontal Histogram;

* Introducing of new legend management system for a better visualization of all type of strings;... read more

Posted by Alessio Glorioso 2007-07-02

Graidle 0.3 Released

Graidle is a project that is proposed to realize a web application to generate graphical diagrams; There are several classes specialized in generating histograms,spider, pie charts and line charts.

Graidle 0.3 is now available for download;


* Introducing of Spider Graph;

* Introducing of Filled Line Graph;

* Line Graph use internal AA;

* New setDivision method for all graph type;

* New setFilled method for Spider and Filled Line Graph;... read more

Posted by Alessio Glorioso 2007-04-30