
#34 Not Capturing when set to PostToWeb?


When ever i try to capture and image and Post it to the web, it doesn't work. It just gives me the error buzzing.
But it works fine when i try to copy to clipboard, and file.



  • Sam

    Sam - 2011-08-26

    can you access Internet, specifically this website ?

    I need to know the version of your OS and other config information. please run msinfo32.exe, then save the system information to file and attach to the bug report.

  • Sam

    Sam - 2011-08-26
    • status: open --> pending
  • Bacon Crisper

    Bacon Crisper - 2011-12-28

    I too had this issue. After playing around for about 30 minutes I figured out how to solve it, at least for me it did. Since I had no problem with saving my images, I figured that something on my end was blocking uploads to the server.

    I disabled my antivirus and firewall just to see if it would let me, it didn't. The way it fixed it for me was going to internet option in control panel, then go to privacy tab, now move that all the way down and hit apply. After you do that you can set it back to whatever you want and it should still work.

    I am only 95% sure that this should work, however since I don't have this error anymore I can't test it. I do know that it was fixed in the internet options under control panel though, at least it was for me. If my fix doesn't work then just mess around in there, hopefully it will work.

    I hope this helps. I love vvcap and I hope it never gets dropped.

  • Bacon Crisper

    Bacon Crisper - 2011-12-28
    • status: pending --> open

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