

Maria Aiva
  • Maria Aiva

    Maria Aiva - 2009-12-15

    I downloaded the latest pre-bundled Italy North for my Nokia E65.
    Both installing with Nokia PC Suite or via Memory Card it won't install.
    Via Nokia PC Suite report nothing.
    From Memory Card start installing, pass thought confirmations and then say "Impossible to Install"
    Free memory on the phone: 59 MB
    Free memory on the card: 1854 MB
    Anyone issued the same?
    Any suggestion?
    Thanks in advance

  • Maria Aiva

    Maria Aiva - 2009-12-15

    for information: phone without net carrier limitation/personalization, latest firmware available, signed and unsigned application allowed.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Try smaller midlet, does this install? If yes, you maybe can use the big Italy North midlet as external map.

  • Maria Aiva

    Maria Aiva - 2009-12-15

    Hello "nobody".
    Thanks for your reply.
    Before reading your post I tried Rome pre-bundled (smaller than Italy North)
    It was installed and run.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    You can give a try then to use the Italy midlet as external map in the Rome (or any smaller) midlet. Please tell us, if it worked.


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