
Nokia S60 performance on embedded + ZIP maps

  • Libor Striz

    Libor Striz - 2011-04-12

    It is known fact about Nokia S60 ( E72 in my case ) java implementation it has performance issue
    with large tared map atlases of Trekbuddy J2ME application.
    For this reason a native Symbian service helper was developed.

    Does it affect GPSMid with bigger maps too ?

    Is there supposed difference if embedded to JAR or external in ZIP ?

  • Libor Striz

    Libor Striz - 2011-04-12

    correction - E52

  • Jyrki Kuoppala

    Jyrki Kuoppala - 2011-04-12

    Yes, I think it does impact GpsMid quite badly, too. My experience is that performance on the E72 is a lot better with bundled (inside the midlet jar) maps when compared to external ZIP maps.

    I also have trouble with installing big (say, ca. 100 Mb) bundled maps on the Nokia phones like E72 - often the installation just ends with on error. However the same jar can be installed with enough tries. I think tweaking with file size parameters helps to a degree.

    Maybe the Symbian helper route could be considered for GpsMid as well. There's already a cellid & digital compass Symbian helper which runs as a python script.

  • Jozef Riha

    Jozef Riha - 2011-04-12

    you may try specifying unpacked map (directory) as a map source. definitely faster than external zip file on my e51.

  • Libor Striz

    Libor Striz - 2011-04-12

    Good idea, I forgot about this option.
    But there are plenty of small files even for option of big tiles, it could be wasting of space due cluster quatizatiotion.


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