
Navigation software with community functions

  • Jyrki Kuoppala

    Jyrki Kuoppala - 2012-09-12

    A copy of a message I posted in the Developers forum, which might be of interested to the larger GpsMid community as well:

    Development of navigation software with community functions

    Hi all,

    I'm not quite sure who are with possibility to participate in /
    involved with / interested in GpsMid development, and don't want to
    email people who might not want it, so I'm emailing just the project
    creator/admin and posting here instead of emailing a larger group.

    It seems probable that I will be part of creating a free software
    development project for a piece of software based on source code of
    GpsMid 0.8.2, to be published under a different name. The development
    will (perhaps soon, perhaps eventually after first release, details
    have not been decided yet) be run in a manner where the free software
    community can contribute to the software in various ways: wiki, git
    pull requests, tickets, forums and so on, in other words pretty much
    the usual model for free software development.

    How this relates to GpsMid, whether this is a fork, a spoon (1), or
    something else, I don't know, but I guess time will tell.

    Tentative name for the project is ShareNav. The name is supposed to be
    related to sharing one's location (and related things) with others as
    well shared used of open data like from OSM and other data sources and
    program code shared with others, as in free software. Both "Share" and
    "Nav" hopefully can become to mean sharing and navigation not only the
    physical world related things like routes, map data and location, but
    also in the worlds of ideas and communities, e.g. something like
    described in the Visions document I create in, maybe 2009 or 2008,

    If someone expresses interest and the GpsMid developers don't object,
    I can post further details here once they become available.  If you
    want to reach me directly, don't hesitate to contact me at - might be I'm not visiting here that
    often in the future.


  • Jyrki Kuoppala

    Jyrki Kuoppala - 2012-10-31

    No one has expressed interest here, so no lengthy details, just a short mention that a first version is now out (no community functions yet, though), more details at


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