Katy Bohmont - 2007-05-03

i love this IDE,

    and though i know only a C: enough to fix things without breaking them, but not really enough to do any major additions(though i lean what i need to as i need to).  i used to design in C alone, but that's been like three years maybe more.  now C is one of my 'when needed' languages.  okay, like that lil babble out; i'd love to join this project or even adopt it if its in need of a new developer.  i design like mostly in PHP(yeah like who'd of guessed huh? LOL).  any way's i'm just asking, offering, and etc... and yeah i'll do this through all of sf.net's ways too.  *hugs* & thanks for the wonderful progie.

    oh and if you need someone to adopt this project i'd be happy to do that too: i've already hacked quit a few bug fixes & additions into my dl that id love to submit back.  but if you'd like me to adopt this project i'd be happy to, at the very least i'd love to help you work on this editor that's helped me so much(i'm disabled) and in many ways this editor has helped me get back to design & development.  so i'd just totally love to help work on it.  ig you do decide that you want me to adopt this project instead... than could & ould you like please send me any documentation you have; cause like there are hardly like no comments.  anyways thanks again.  i can't wait to at least help out.  *hugs* &take care.