
#298 More verbose error message on camera detection

gtkam (28)

I wish to Detect some supported model of camera connected to USB. I got some useless "No camera detected" error.

There might be couple of reasons for the error, however the message dosen't provide the user with any help for diagnosis.

Now, if only Gtkam was a little more verbose about the real problem it faces. Is it possible to distinguish during the detection communication, what kinda problem there is?

I'd assume some of these different kinds of problem:

-I don't see any USB here (is there an appropriate kernel driver loaded?)
-I see the USB, however nothing sits there (check please, whether the camera's cable is connected properly)
-I see something on USB, seems like camera, but I don't understand the camera's language (probably new unsupported model, report this at blah blah)
-The system dosen't allow me to communicate on USB (You probably don't have necessarry privilegues granted, ask Your admin)


  • Marcus Meissner

    Marcus Meissner - 2007-02-20

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Well, autodetect works even without permission. The permission errors happen later.

    No USB here: Valid thing to check for.

    Nothing on the USB bus: Might be OK.

    Some unknown thing on the USB bus: Well ... there are a lot of them, including scanners and printers which might be unknown. One cannot easily detect cameras if they are not PTP (class 6) and those are detected.

  • Marcus Meissner

    Marcus Meissner - 2007-02-20
    • labels: 730310 --> gtkam

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