
#941 ptpip version incorrect for Nikon D800E (WT-4) and Canon 5DMK2 (WFT)


Connecting to the Nikon D800E over Lan with the WT-4 fails because of the PTPIP_VERSION missmatch. Exactly MAJOR and MINOR are exchanged. Patching camlibs/ptp2/ptpip.c to switch major and minor values makes it work.

The same is with the Canon 5D Mark 2 and the WFT over Lan.

Sniffing the IP traffic within windows using the vendor/microsoft ptpip implementation confirms that major/minor version are just inverted.

Exchanging major and minor makes it all work!

The D800E with the WT-4 work very well but the 5DMK2 has its troubles especially when reading the config.


  • Marcus Meissner

    Marcus Meissner - 2013-02-27
    • status: open --> pending-fixed
  • Marcus Meissner

    Marcus Meissner - 2013-02-27

    I switched MAJOR and MINOR as you said in SVN.

    (apparently my old Nikon P2 did not care ;)

  • Marcus Meissner

    Marcus Meissner - 2013-05-12

    fixed in 2.5.2

  • Marcus Meissner

    Marcus Meissner - 2013-05-12
    • status: pending-fixed --> closed-fixed
    • assigned_to: Marcus Meissner

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