
#876 PowerShot G1 can't switch to RAW format

gphoto2 (75)

I'm trying to use my old Canon PowerShot G1 with gphoto 2.4.10 provided in ubuntu 11.04 .
The camera is detected fine and i can take shots in JPG format, but i can't switch to any imageformat with RAW, i always get this error:

# gphoto2 --set-config /main/settings/imageformat=0
Detected a 'Canon:PowerShot G1'.
Could not change image format

If i try to check shootingmode i get
# gphoto2 --get-config=/main/settings/shootingmode
Detected a 'Canon:PowerShot G1'.
Label: Shooting mode
Type: MENU
Current: Unknown
Choice: 0 AUTO

If i try to set it to number 4 (M) i don't get errors, but the settings remains in "Unknown" mode
# gphoto2 --set-config /main/settings/shootingmode=4
Detected a 'Canon:PowerShot G1'.
Shooting mode changed

# gphoto2 --get-config=/main/settings/shootingmode
Detected a 'Canon:PowerShot G1'.
Label: Shooting mode
Type: MENU
Current: Unknown
Choice: 0 AUTO

Something i'm missing or there are some problems with the G1?


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-04-29

    Don't know how it happened but apparently i opened the bug twice, is there a way to remove the duplicate?

  • Marcus Meissner

    Marcus Meissner - 2011-04-29
    • assigned_to: nobody --> marcusmeissner
  • Marcus Meissner

    Marcus Meissner - 2011-04-29

    can you grab debug logfiles for those calls?

    --debug --debug-logfile=logfile123.log

  • Marcus Meissner

    Marcus Meissner - 2011-04-30

    what happens if you do --capture-image right afterwards?

    it seems to set something at least, and i think it is some kind of raw setting.

    also, what other jpeg modes are available in the G1?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-05-01

    If i run a --capture-image i get this:
    # gphoto2 --capture-image
    Detected a 'Canon:PowerShot G1'.
    New file is in location /DCIM/100CANON/IMG_0065.JPG on the camera
    I checked on the card and there is only the jpg file there, no RAW.

    The command was run after a
    # gphoto2 --set-config shootingmode=4
    # gphoto2 --set-config imageformat=0

    As for the other jpeg modes:
    # gphoto2 --get-config imageformat
    Label: Image Format
    Type: MENU
    Current: Large Fine JPEG
    Choice: 0 RAW
    Choice: 1 Small Normal JPEG
    Choice: 2 Small Fine JPEG
    Choice: 3 Medium Normal JPEG
    Choice: 4 Medium Fine JPEG
    Choice: 5 Large Normal JPEG
    Choice: 6 Large Fine JPEG
    Choice: 7 RAW + Small Normal JPEG
    Choice: 8 RAW + Small Fine JPEG
    Choice: 9 RAW + Medium Normal JPEG
    Choice: 10 RAW + Medium Fine JPEG
    Choice: 11 RAW + Large Normal JPEG
    Choice: 12 RAW + Large Fine JPEG

    I can set all the JPEG-only modes fine (no errors), any format which also contains a RAW mode is rejected. From the camera menu i can select only RAW -OR- JPEG

  • Marcus Meissner

    Marcus Meissner - 2011-05-04

    I am quite at loss currently on what the issue is. Lets try setting the values it returns on our failed try:

    (We set 4,2,0 ... camera returns 3,2,0 instead ... so lets try to set 3,2,0)

    can you build and install:

    and then select "RAW 2"?

    and test e.g.
    gphoto2 --set-config imageformat="RAW 2" --capture-image-and-download

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-05-05

    It works!
    this time the camera dowloaded a RAW file

    $ file CRW_0122.CRW
    CRW_0122.CRW: Canon CIFF raw image data, version 1.2


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