
compile mp4box on windows with mingw

  • jb_

    jb_ - 2013-11-21

    Hello everybody,
    I compiling here mp4box on windows with this script:
    The compiling work, but I have problems by big files. mp4box don't work with them. I get this message:

    Error parsing SeqInfo
    AVC-H264 import - frame size 32 x 1056 at 25.000 FPS
    [avc-h264] invalid nal_size (113)? Skipping 113 bytes to reach next start code
    [avc-h264] error: no start code found (120 bytes read out of 0) - leaving
    AVC Import results: 0 samples - Slices: 0 I 0 P 0 B - 0 SEI - 0 IDR

    The size info is here also wrong. You have a idea what is wrong?

  • jb_

    jb_ - 2013-11-21

    Hi Romain,
    thank you for your answer! I have read that post, but I don't now how to fix that under windows. I can patch my mingw include files, but I don't now exactly witch are.
    Maybe I need to try a newer compiler, but I hope it give a other way.
    Your tip with extra-cflags don't work and when I use '--use-zlib=no' then I get a error.


    Last edit: jb_ 2013-11-21
  • Romain Bouqueau

    Romain Bouqueau - 2013-11-21

    Which version of MinGW do you use? ('uname -a')

    Which error do you get with "--use-zlib=no"?

  • Romain Bouqueau

    Romain Bouqueau - 2013-11-21

    Ok thx. Can you give me the command-line you executed for MP4Box so that I can reproduce?

    I'll have a look, but it's going to take some time.

  • jb_

    jb_ - 2013-11-21

    You mean the command, or the exe file? The command is:

    mp4box -add input.h264 output.mp4

    The mp4box.exe I attach here. I found also this here:
    I will try it later, or tomorrow.

  • jb_

    jb_ - 2013-11-23

    I was trying this from the link, but I don't get it to work. You think it works when I take other include files, from a different compiler? And can you say me with include files I need?

  • Romain Bouqueau

    Romain Bouqueau - 2013-11-24


    Can you retry with our latest revision?


  • jb_

    jb_ - 2013-11-24

    Hi Romain,
    thank you very much! Now it works :)!
