
MP4Client H264 playback not finding the Codec

  • Athira

    Athira - 2013-11-27
    #MP4Box -info rush_small.mp4 
    * Movie Info *
        Timescale 1000 - Duration 00:00:30.017
        2 track(s)
        Fragmented File: no
        File Brand isom - version 512
        Created: UNKNOWN DATE   Modified: UNKNOWN DATE
    File has no MPEG4 IOD/OD
    iTunes Info:
        Encoder Software: Lavf55.8.102
    Track # 1 Info - TrackID 1 - TimeScale 12288 - Media Duration 00:00:30.016
    Track has 1 edit lists: track duration is 00:00:30.017
    Media Info: Language "Undetermined" - Type "vide:avc1" - 720 samples
    Visual Track layout: x=0 y=0 width=1280 height=720
    MPEG-4 Config: Visual Stream - ObjectTypeIndication 0x21
    AVC/H264 Video - Visual Size 1280 x 720
        AVC Info: 1 SPS - 1 PPS - Profile High @ Level 3.1
        NAL Unit length bits: 32
    Track # 2 Info - TrackID 2 - TimeScale 44100 - Media Duration 00:00:30.000
    Track has 1 edit lists: track duration is 00:00:30.000
    Media Info: Language "Undetermined" - Type "soun:mp4a" - 1292 samples
    MPEG-4 Config: Audio Stream - ObjectTypeIndication 0x40
    MPEG-4 Audio AAC LC - 2 Channel(s) - SampleRate 44100
    Synchronized on stream 1
    Alternate Group ID 1
    #MP4Client rush_small.mp4 
    Using config file in /home/100536 directory
    System info: 3842 MB RAM - 4 cores
    Modules Found : 35 
    Loading GPAC Terminal
    [Thread MediaManager] Couldn't set priority(2) for thread ID 0x07fff700
    [Thread MediaManager] Couldn't set priority(2) for thread ID 0x07fff700
    Terminal Loaded in 423 ms
    Opening URL rush_small.mp4
    Service Connected
    [Core] Plugin FFMPEG decoder not found in 35 modules.
    [Codec] Cannot find decoder for stream type MPEG-4 AVC|H264 Video
     Stream Setup Failure: Media Codec not found
    [Thread FAAD2 Decoder] Couldn't set priority(2) for thread ID 0x06620700
    Service Disconnected
    Deleting terminal... done (in 480 ms)
    GPAC cleanup ...
  • Jean Le Feuvre

    Jean Le Feuvre - 2013-11-27

    like the logs said, ffmpeg plugin is not found. Check it is present in your module directory (cf .gpacrc in $HOME directory)

  • Athira

    Athira - 2013-11-28

    The .gpacrc file shows: Plugin

    How to fix this?

  • Jean Le Feuvre

    Jean Le Feuvre - 2013-11-28

    remove this line, save the config file, launch the player and check the error(s) it will give when loading the ffmpeg plugin

  • Athira

    Athira - 2013-11-29

    When i got the latest version this issue was not observed.

    But the new terminal in which the video is displayed is continuously switching between two dimensions. Thus giving the effect of alternating small and big frames of the video.

  • Jean Le Feuvre

    Jean Le Feuvre - 2013-11-29

    could you post the sample file and OS version you use ?

  • Athira

    Athira - 2013-12-03

    The problem of Cannot find decoder for stream type MPEG-4 AVC|H264 Video still exists.

    So I commented out the line : Plugin

    And then MP4Client was relaunched. It printed the following errors:

    [h264 @ 0x2140180] no frame!
    [h264 @ 0x2140180] no frame!
    [h264 @ 0x2140180] no frame!
    [h264 @ 0x2140180] no frame!
    [h264 @ 0x2140180] no frame!
    [h264 @ 0x2140180] no frame!
    [h264 @ 0x2140180] no frame!
    [h264 @ 0x2140180] no frame!
    [h264 @ 0x2140180] no frame!
    [h264 @ 0x2140180] no frame!
  • Athira

    Athira - 2013-12-03

    Version of GPAC:4927 for linux 64bit
    OS: Ubuntu 12.04

  • Jean Le Feuvre

    Jean Le Feuvre - 2013-12-03

    we will need the sample file to check your problem

  • Athira

    Athira - 2013-12-04
  • Jean Le Feuvre

    Jean Le Feuvre - 2013-12-05

    I cannot reproduce your ffmpeg issue with a fresh install of 12.04.3 64bits with standard packages. Quite strangely, I can reproduce the resize bug using Unity with GL acceleration, but cannot reproduce it using unity2D or any gnome shell config ... I'll investigate