
tutorial for compiling and installing gpac_extra_libs

  • Nikhil Sonti

    Nikhil Sonti - 2013-12-05

    Can someone please mention the steps to compile gpac_extra_libs and how to build gpac successfully using the compiled libraries?

    I'm compiling it on a older ubuntu release, so most of the dependencies are not available in repositories. So, I thought I'll use the gpac_extra_libs to build my gpac.

  • Nikhil Sonti

    Nikhil Sonti - 2013-12-05

    Thanks for the quick response!
    I performed the below steps:
    1) Downloaded gpac_extra_libs
    2) cd gpac_extra_libs/
    3) sh
    4) copied the entire content of the build dir (gpac_extra_lib/lib/*) to the gpac lib dir (gpac/extra_lib/lib/)
    5) cd gpac/
    6) ./configure
    7) make

    In make, it throws the below error:
    make -C src all
    make[1]: Entering directory /home/nsonti/projects/gpac_dec_5/src' CC utils/os_divers.c CC utils/list.c CC utils/bitstream.c CC utils/error.c CC utils/alloc.c CC utils/url.c utils/url.c:360:2: warning: no newline at end of file CC utils/configfile.c CC utils/sha1.c CC utils/base_encoding.c CC utils/os_net.c CC utils/os_thread.c CC utils/os_config_init.c CC utils/cache.c CC utils/downloader.c CC utils/xml_parser.c utils/xml_parser.c:1: error: stray ‘\239’ in program utils/xml_parser.c:1: error: stray ‘\187’ in program utils/xml_parser.c:1: error: stray ‘\191’ in program utils/xml_parser.c:2037:2: warning: no newline at end of file make[1]: *** [utils/xml_parser.o] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory/home/nsonti/projects/gpac_dec_5/src'
    make: *** [all] Error 2

    And I also notice that gpac is not detecting the libraries in gpac/extra_lib/lib/.
    Please Help!

  • Romain Bouqueau

    Romain Bouqueau - 2013-12-05

    Can you print the command-line for 4) and the result for 6)?

    For 7), it looks like a wrong encoding. Have you set up a locale? Can you check your repo is safe with 'svn status' at its root?

  • Nikhil Sonti

    Nikhil Sonti - 2013-12-05

    command for 4) - cp -r gpac_extra_libs/lib/* gpac_dec_5/extra_lib/lib/
    result for 6)
    WARNING: Turning on MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH SpiderMonkey macro
    If you have troubles with scripts in GPAC, disable this macro and recompile

    ** System Configuration
    Install prefix: /usr/local
    Source path: /home/nsonti/projects/gpac_dec_5
    C compiler: gcc
    C++ compiler: g++
    make: make
    CPU: x86
    Big Endian: no

    GPAC 0.5.1-DEV rev4930 Core Configuration
    debug version: no
    GProf enabled: no
    Static build enabled: no
    Memory tracking enabled: no
    Use standard memory allocator: no
    Fixed-Point Version: no
    IPV6 Support: yes
    Static Modules: no

    Detected libraries
    zlib: system
    OSS Audio: yes
    ALSA Audio: no
    Jack Audio: no
    PulseAudio Audio: no
    DirectFB support: no
    X11 Shared Memory support: no (path: /usr/X11R6)
    X11 XVideo support: no
    SDL Support: no
    OpenGL support: no
    TinyGL support: no
    OpenSSL support: no
    Mozilla XUL/GECKO support: no
    DVB Support: yes
    XMLRPC Support: no
    wxWidgets support: no

    Extra Libraries used
    SpiderMonkey: local
    FreeType: no
    JPEG: local
    OpenJPEG: no
    PNG: local
    MAD: no
    FAAD: system
    XVID: no
    FFMPEG: no
    Xiph OGG: no
    Platinum UPnP: no
    AVCap: no
    A52 (AC3): no
    OpenSVCDecoder: no
    OpenHEVCDecoder: no
    Freenect: no

    Creating config.mak
    config.h is unchanged
    Done - type 'make help' for make info, 'make' to build

    7) svn status (extra_lib/lib was replaced as mentioned in 4 )
    ? gpac.pc
    ? include/gpac/revision.h
    ? extra_lib/lib/src
    ? extra_lib/lib/android/._armeabi-v7a
    ? extra_lib/lib/android/._armeabi
    ? extra_lib/lib/smartphone 2003 (armv4)/._debug
    ? extra_lib/lib/smartphone 2003 (armv4)/._release
    ? extra_lib/lib/smartphone 2003 (armv4)/release/._avcodec-52.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/smartphone 2003 (armv4)/release/._swscale-0.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/smartphone 2003 (armv4)/release/._swscale-0.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/smartphone 2003 (armv4)/release/._avformat-52.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/smartphone 2003 (armv4)/release/._avformat-52.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/smartphone 2003 (armv4)/release/avutil-50.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/smartphone 2003 (armv4)/release/avcodec-52.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/smartphone 2003 (armv4)/release/avutil-50.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/smartphone 2003 (armv4)/release/avcodec-52.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/smartphone 2003 (armv4)/release/swscale-0.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/smartphone 2003 (armv4)/release/swscale-0.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/smartphone 2003 (armv4)/release/._avutil-50.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/smartphone 2003 (armv4)/release/avformat-52.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/smartphone 2003 (armv4)/release/._avcodec-52.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/smartphone 2003 (armv4)/release/._avutil-50.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/smartphone 2003 (armv4)/release/avformat-52.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/x64/._debug
    ? extra_lib/lib/x64/._release
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/._debug
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/._release
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/ssleay32.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/libeay32.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/avdevice-52.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/._avformat-52.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/._swscale-0.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/._msvcr90.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/avutil-50.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/._ssleay32.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/._avdevice-52.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/Microsoft.VC90.MFC.manifest
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/._libeay32.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/nsis_install
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/avcodec-52.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/._mfc90.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/avformat-52.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/swscale-0.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/ssleay32.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/msvcr90.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/._avutil-50.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/._nsis_install
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/libeay32.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/._avcodec-52.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/avdevice-52.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/._swscale-0.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/strmbase.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/._ssleay32.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/mfc90.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/._avformat-52.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/._libeay32.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/avcodec-52.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/._Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/avutil-50.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/._avdevice-52.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/._strmbase.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/swscale-0.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/._avutil-50.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/._avcodec-52.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/._Microsoft.VC90.MFC.manifest
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/release/avformat-52.dll
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/debug/._strmbasd.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/win32/debug/strmbasd.lib
    ? extra_lib/lib/gcc/libz.a
    ? extra_lib/lib/gcc/libfaad.a
    ? extra_lib/lib/gcc/
    ? extra_lib/lib/gcc/libavformat.a
    ? extra_lib/lib/gcc/libswscale.a
    ? extra_lib/lib/gcc/libfreetype.a
    ? extra_lib/lib/gcc/libxvidcore.a
    ? extra_lib/lib/gcc/libavutil.a
    ? extra_lib/lib/gcc/libavcodec.a
    ? extra_lib/lib/gcc/libpng.a
    ? extra_lib/lib/gcc/libjpeg.a
    ? extra_lib/lib/gcc/libavdevice.a
    ? extra_lib/lib/gcc/libopenjpeg.a

  • Nikhil Sonti

    Nikhil Sonti - 2013-12-10

    Adding to the previous answer:
    Why isn't the configure script detecting the libraries in gpac/extra_lib/lib?

  • Jean Le Feuvre

    Jean Le Feuvre - 2013-12-10

    the configure script is supposed to check local libraries in gpac/extra_lib/lib/gcc - which library didn't get detected ?

  • Nikhil Sonti

    Nikhil Sonti - 2013-12-11

    Below is a 'ls' of list of libraries in gpac/extra_lib/lib/gcc:

    ls gpac_dec_9/extra_lib/lib/gcc/
    libavcodec.a libavdevice.a libavformat.a libavutil.a libfaad.a libfreetype.a libjpeg.a libopenjpeg.a libpng.a libswscale.a libxvidcore.a libz.a

    So, based on the output of './configure' I see that none of the libraries are getting detected. What I'm I doing wrong?

  • Nikhil Sonti

    Nikhil Sonti - 2013-12-17

    Can someone please help me with this problem!. I'm trying to build gpac on ubuntu 6.06 with the help of gpac_extra_libs. I'm getting the above mentioned errors.
    What is the right way to compile gpac with gpac_extra_libs? A brief list of steps would be very helpful.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Romain Bouqueau

    Romain Bouqueau - 2013-12-17

    Hey Nikhil,

    I'm planning to fix your issue but it takes time... Compiling actual code on a 7 year-old OS is unusual!

    Here is what I would do: put traces in the 'configure' script to see how the detection actually fails. And then look for discrepancies between the gpac_extra_libs package and the headers in extra_lib/include.



  • Romain Bouqueau

    Romain Bouqueau - 2014-01-29

    Hi Nikhil,

    Good news: we have updated the package. './' builds out of the box on my Debian Wheezy. If you are still interested, I would be happy to have our feedback on this one.

