
#334 XML Errors

v1.0 (example)

I'm trying to load an XML file created by MP4Box using the -diso command. The file was created by FFMPEG

I'm getting errors caused by these lines:
<TextSampleEntryBox dataReferenceIndex="1" displayFlags="1" textJustification="0" background-color="0 0 0" foreground-color="62 100 1">

"'foreground-color' is an unexpected token. Expecting
white space. Line 197757, position 108."

if I fix that by adding the white space I'm then faced with this:

<Chapter name="" Beast="" Wars""="" startTime="00:00:00.000"/>

"'Beast' is an unexpected token. Expecting white
space. Line 197823, position 17."

I've recreated the file twice so far and it's happened both times.


  • ndjamena

    ndjamena - 2014-10-03

    <TextSampleEntryBox dataReferenceIndex="1" displayFlags="1" textJustification="0" background-color="0 0 0" foreground-color="62 100 1">

    I think I posted the corrected line, I apologise if there's just something odd with the text formatting.

    -Edit- sorceforge seems to be modifying the string for display, but I can see it as I posted it in this edit box...

    -Edit2- The beast wars line has been modified too, get rid of the two middle equals signs and the four double quotes in the middle too.


    Last edit: ndjamena 2014-10-03
  • ndjamena

    ndjamena - 2014-10-03

    <TextSampleEntryBox dataReferenceIndex="1" displayFlags="1" textJustification="0" background-color="0 0 0"foreground-color="62 100 1">

    <Chapter name=""Beast Wars"" startTime="00:00:00.000" />


    Last edit: ndjamena 2014-10-03
  • ndjamena

    ndjamena - 2014-10-03


  • Cyril Concolato

    Cyril Concolato - 2014-10-03

    Can you share the MP4 file so that we can fix the bug ? You can send it to privately if you prefer.

  • ndjamena

    ndjamena - 2014-10-03

    Would mediafire be ok, or do you have your own upload server?

  • ndjamena

    ndjamena - 2014-10-03

    I made sure to download the latest nightly just in case and the problem persisted. It seems fairly straight forward, MP4Box is prepending a space onto the background-color attributes rather than appending it, and it hasn't been programed to properly escape double quotes in chapter names.

  • Jean Le Feuvre

    Jean Le Feuvre - 2014-10-03

    Now fixed on SVN, thanks for the report

  • Jean Le Feuvre

    Jean Le Feuvre - 2014-10-03
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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