
Tree [71ce37] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 channel 2015-10-28 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [066440] added output.yaml files
 couette 2015-10-28 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [066440] added output.yaml files
 entrainment 2015-10-28 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [066440] added output.yaml files
 estuary 2015-10-28 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [066440] added output.yaml files
 flex 2015-10-28 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [066440] added output.yaml files
 gotland 2015-12-15 Knut Knut [e1ced9] gotland: change sst_method=0 because of missing...
 greifswald 2015-10-28 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [066440] added output.yaml files
 inflows-outflows 2014-12-18 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [42a0b2] updated albedo related variables
 lago_maggiore 2015-10-28 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [066440] added output.yaml files
 liverpool_bay 2015-10-28 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [066440] added output.yaml files
 nns_annual 2015-10-28 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [066440] added output.yaml files
 nns_seasonal 2015-10-28 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [066440] added output.yaml files
 ows_papa 2015-10-28 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [066440] added output.yaml files
 resolute 2014-12-18 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [42a0b2] updated albedo related variables
 reynolds 2015-10-28 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [066440] added output.yaml files
 rouse 2015-10-28 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [066440] added output.yaml files
 seagrass 2015-10-28 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [066440] added output.yaml files
 spm_lpbay 2015-10-28 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [066440] added output.yaml files
 station60 2014-12-18 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [42a0b2] updated albedo related variables
 wave_breaking 2015-10-28 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [066440] added output.yaml files
 .gitignore 2015-12-07 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [2279ed] added .giitignore
 Makefile 2011-09-16 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [e29467] updated path to executable
 README 2011-04-08 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [de8c85] updated to GOTM git version - and use editscena...
 READY_CASES 2011-04-08 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [de8c85] updated to GOTM git version - and use editscena...
 Rules.make 2016-01-08 Knut Knut [71ce37] namelist: call editscenario again with --skip-v... 2011-04-08 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [de8c85] updated to GOTM git version - and use editscena...
 output.yaml 2015-10-29 Karsten Bolding Karsten Bolding [430dcc] added a bit more documentation to output.yaml

Read Me


The GOTM test setups can be run either via the command line or via the

In the first case the following Makefile targets are available:
namelist	! will create a default namelist based on values in <setup>.xml
run		! will build the executable, make a link and run the model	
scenario	! will pack everything needed for a gui run
example		! will make a .tar.gz file with necessary files
clean		! will remove some files
realclean	! will remove more files
distclean	! will remove everthing that can't be automatically genereated

The above Makefile targets are available in the main directory (the directory
with this REAME) and in the individual test case directories. If made
from this directory 'make' will loop over the cases that are ready according 

To run with the GUI simply do:
<path_to_gui>/ <name>.gotmscenario

Please report any issues to

IMPORTANT: for some of the actions you must have '' in your 
path. You can get from:

d65712daa66a8d25a904208d5cee3d53  /public/ftp/pub/jorn.bruggeman/getmschema/
