
#5 Interface Filter Support

Bryan Kam

I think it is fair to say that certain filters, e.g.,
convolution3d, fluxsmooth, unfilter, are common enough
to warrant their own dialog. For example, in the
save&encode dialogue, have radio buttons for each of
those three, and then if you click one have a frame that
shows settings (maybe even sliders) so we don't have to
hit edit every time. Not that it's such a huge hassle,
and the lanczos option is a great start, but something
like this--maybe two drop down lists with two
checkboxes next to them. One would be for placing
that filter before the resize, one for after. The listbox
would contain a list of filters. Choosing a filter, for
example, fluxsmooth, would show a config in a frame
somewhere in the same dialogue, showing sliders from
0 to 20 or so for spatial and temporal. Have them both
start at 7, since that's the default. I don't know how
much work that is but it would sure be useful.

Also, if you really wanted to get ambitious, you could, in
this dialogue, also add a list of buttons representing
presets for each filter.

Just an idea.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Good idea, I'd like to see deen and maybe on that list too :)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    It would take longer to do that than just editing the .avs in
    the first place. And you want it to start at 7? 7 is already
    toom strong for the spatial element.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Would take longer than just editing the .avs in the first place.


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