
Few questions

  • Jeff

    Jeff - 2007-02-15

    I've been evaluating Gentle for my organization, and so far I'm very impressed.  I have a few questions that I am hoping someone on this forum will answer.

    1.  I need to ability to populate an object from an SqlResult.  For example:  SqlResult.Item(0).Populate(Me)  Is that functionality some where and I am just not seeing it?

    2.  I need for retieval operations and insert/update/delete operations to share the same connection.  How can I get a connection object (or broker object) that can be passed around so that a client can use the same connection for multiple operations?


    • Morten Mertner

      Morten Mertner - 2007-02-15

      1) Call ObjectFactory.GetCollection to transform an SqlResult into an IList of objects.

      2) Use a Transaction object for requests that must share the same connection, preferably by encapsulating all calls in a using block (to ensure proper disposal of the connection as soon as you're done).


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