
sql 2005 too slow

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    after migrating to sql 2005 from sql 2000 my site goes too slow. Previously I use 2.0 with gentle 1.2.9 and with sql 2000 - it rocks !!! But with sql 2005 it is a pain...

    Are there any problem with gentle 1.2.9 and sql 2005 or it is only an sql 2005 problem ?

    Anyone have this problem ?


    • Morten Mertner

      Morten Mertner - 2006-10-13

      I haven't seen this myself.. do you have additional details on the problem?

      Is it specifically Gentle that is slower, or are regular ADO.NET requests also slow?

      How much time is spent "in Gentle code" vs time spent on network trafficing or in SQL server processing the request?

      Answering these will help in identifying what could be the cause of the slowdown. One possible cause could be if your SQL Server 2005 defaults to a different locking model, and your solution has many concurrent requests. However, this is guesswork and I'll need to know a lot more about your scenario before it'd make sense to speculate.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      thanks for your comments Morten... The problem was in the Persist of one class that call broker.persist and calls an COM+ object to sincronise database and COM+ password. I resolve this separating password sincronisation and the persistence of database. All the site now are using geltle and sql 2005 and gentle rocks !!!


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