
High CPU usage on Linux

  • yavoh

    yavoh - 2009-12-18

    Sometimes (I don't see a pattern yet) googsystray will start using a lot of CPU power for no apparent reason.  Is this a known bug?

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2009-12-18

    I have heard of it happening, but I haven't been able to reproduce it, it's never happened for me.  I think it may have something to do with the way I'm doing the network access right now, which is changed in svn… we'll see if it goes away.

  • yavoh

    yavoh - 2009-12-19

    It seems to happen only when I resume from suspend.

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2009-12-19

    Are you using the Wave support?

  • yavoh

    yavoh - 2009-12-19

    Yes: gmail, gcal, and wave.

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2009-12-19

    It looks like there's a case where it can get stuck after network failure.  That would make sense if suspend kicks it off.  I'll do some testing and see if I can't resolve it in the upcoming release.

  • Tri Le

    Tri Le - 2009-12-22

    I'm seeing high cpu usage when googsystray is start before internet connection is established.  Even after internet is connected, googsystray is still using almost 100% cpu cycle and it doesn't work.  If I restart googsystray, it works again.

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2010-01-04

    Can anyone note whether or not this is fixed in the 1.1.x series?

  • yavoh

    yavoh - 2010-01-06

    It appears to be fixed now.  Thanks!

  • Tri Le

    Tri Le - 2010-01-07

    It doesn't do it any more….I guess it's fixed.  Thanks.


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