
Congrats on 1.0

  • M^3

    M^3 - 2009-12-03

    Congrats on getting 1.0 out the door.  Keep up the good work.

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2009-12-03

    Thanks.  Time to start on the feature requests…

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2009-12-17

    Wow.  That's a pretty big chunk of traffic.

  • Jason Benoit

    Jason Benoit - 2009-12-17

    I know it is. I hope that it isn't costing you somehow!

  • Jim Duchek

    Jim Duchek - 2009-12-17

    Nah, it's all sourceforge.  I just pushed out the 1.0.3 version… Probably should have done that last night… a lot of XP users are going to have grabbed 1.0.2 and had it be non-functional.

  • Jason Benoit

    Jason Benoit - 2009-12-17

    I thought so, good. Someone pointed to your website for that version. I will let them know they can now get it there.


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