
GnuWin / News: Recent posts

Popt-1.7 for Windows

An MS-Windows (Win32) port of Popt-1.7 is available from

The popt library exists essentially for parsing commandline options. It is found superior in many ways when compared to parsing the argv array by hand or using the getopt functions getopt() and getopt_long() [see getopt(3)]. Some specific advantages of popt are: it does not utilize global variables, thus enabling multiple passes in parsing argv ; it can parse an arbitrary array of argv-style elements, allowing parsing of command -line-strings from any source; it provides a standard method of option aliasing (to be discussed at length below.); it can exec external option filters; and, finally, it can automatically generate help and usage messages for the application.

Posted by GnuWin 2003-07-13

OpenSSL-0.97b for Windows

An MS-Windows (Win32) port of OpenSSL-0.9.7b is available from
OpenSSL is an open implementation of the Secure Sockets Layer protocol

Major changes between OpenSSL 0.9.7a and OpenSSL 0.9.7b:

  o Security: counter the Klima-Pokorny-Rosa extension of
    Bleichbacher's attack 
  o Security: make RSA blinding default.
  o Configuration: Irix fixes, AIX fixes, better mingw support.
  o Support for new platforms: linux-ia64-ecc.
  o Build: shared library support fixes.
  o ASN.1: treat domainComponent correctly.
  o Documentation: fixes and additions.... [read more](/p/gnuwin32/news/2003/07/openssl-097b-for-windows/)
Posted by GnuWin 2003-07-06

Wget-1.8.2 for Windows

An MS-Windows (Win32) port of Wget-1.8.2 is available from
Wget is a tool for retrieving files from the WWW, e.g. to mirror a website.

Changes from 1.8.1:
* Wget 1.8.2 is a bugfix release with no user-visible changes.

Posted by GnuWin 2003-07-06

JbigKit-1.5 for Windows

An MS-Windows (Win32) port of JbigKit-1.5 is available from

JBIG-KIT implements a highly effective data compression algorithm
for bi-level high-resolution images such as fax pages or scanned

JBIG-KIT provides a portable library of compression and decompression
functions with a documented interface that you can very easily include
into your image or document processing software. In addition, JBIG-KIT
provides ready-to-use compression and decompression programs with a
simple command line interface (similar to the converters found in netpbm).... read more

Posted by GnuWin 2003-06-29

Deroff-1.9 for Windows

An MS-Windows (Win32) port of Deroff-1.9 is available from
Deroff removes roff, tbl, eqn, refer and pic constructs from documents.

Posted by GnuWin 2003-06-07

Glpk-4.0 for Windows

An MS-Windows (Win32) port of Glpk-4.0 is available from

GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit) is a set of routines written in
ANSI C and organized in the form of a library. This package is intended
for solving large-scale linear programming (LP), mixed integer linear
programming (MIP), and other related problems.

New in GLPK 4.0 (release date: May 06, 2003):

    Now GLPK supports the GNU MathProg modeling language, which is
    a subset of the AMPL modeling language.... [read more](/p/gnuwin32/news/2003/05/glpk-40-for-windows/)
Posted by GnuWin 2003-05-09

DiffUtils-2.8.1 for Windows

A new MS-Windows (Win32) port of DiffUtils-2.8.1 is available from
DiffUtils is a collection of tools for comparing files.

This port adds large-file support and fixes GnuWin32 bugs bugs 566108, failure of diff3, and 635571, failure of diff -N.

Posted by GnuWin 2003-04-20

Grep-2.5.1 for Windows

An MS-Windows (Win32) port of Grep-2.5.1 is available from
Grep prints lines in a file matching a pattern.

Version 2.5.1:

  • This is a bugfix release. No new features.

  • MS-Windows port: fixed a bug in recursive-directory search

Posted by GnuWin 2003-04-19

Glpk-3.3 for Windows

An MS-Windows (Win32) port of Glpk-3.3 is available from

GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit) is a set of routines written in
ANSI C and organized in the form of a library. This package is intended
for solving large-scale linear programming (LP), mixed integer linear
programming (MIP), and other related problems.

Posted by GnuWin 2003-04-18

T1Lib-5.0.0 for Windows

An MS-Windows (Win32) port of T1Lib-5.0.0 is available from
T1Lib is a library for generating character bitmaps from Postscript Type-1

Posted by GnuWin 2003-04-18

Ttf2Pt1-3.4.2 for Windows

A Win32-port of the latest release (3.4.1) of Ttf2Pt1 is available from
Ttf2pt1 converts TrueType fonts to Postscript Type1 fonts.

Posted by GnuWin 2003-04-18

FreeType-2.1.4 for Windows

An MS-Windows (Win32) port of the latest release (2.1.4) of FreeType is
available from
FreeType is a free rasterizer and font engine.

Posted by GnuWin 2003-04-18

Sed-4.0.7 for Windows

An MS-Windows (Win32) port of Sed-4.0.7 is available from

Sed is a stream editor.

Changes from the previous release (4.0.6) are:

  • fixed bug in s///Np: was printing even if less than N matches were

  • fixed infinite loop on s///N when LHS matched a null string and
    there were not enough matches in pattern space

  • behavior of s///N is consistent with s///g when the LHS can match
    a null string (and the infinite loop did not happen :-)... read more

Posted by GnuWin 2003-04-16

Sed-4.0.6 for Windows

An MS-Windows (Win32) port of Sed-4.0.6 is available from

Sed is a stream editor.
Changes from the previous Win32 port (3.02.80) are:

Sed 4.0.6

  • added parameter to `v' for the version of sed that is expected.

  • configure switch --without-included-regex to use the system regex matcher

  • fix for -i option under Cygwin

Sed 4.0.5... read more

Posted by GnuWin 2003-04-06

FileUtils-4.1 for Windows

An MS-Windows (Win32) port of FileUtils-4.1 is available from

The GNU File Utilities are the basic file-manipulation utilities of the
GNU operating system.

The tools supplied with this package are:

  • chgrp: Changes file group ownership.
  • chown: Changes file ownership.
  • chmod: Changes file permissions.
  • cp: Copies files.
  • dd: Copies and converts a file.
  • df: Shows disk free space on filesystems.
  • dir: Gives a brief directory listing.
  • dircolors: Setup program for the color output of GNU ls.
  • du: Shows disk usage on filesystems.
  • install: Copies file and sets its permissions.
  • ln: Creates file links.
  • ls: Lists directory contents.
  • mkdir: Creates directories.
  • mkfifo: Creates FIFOs (named pipes).
  • mknod: Creates special files.
  • mv: Moves files.
  • rm: Removes (deletes) files.
  • rmdir: Removes empty directories.
  • shred: Destroy data in files.
  • sync: Synchronizes filesystem buffers and disk.
  • touch: Changes file timestamps.
  • vdir: Long directory listing.
Posted by GnuWin 2003-04-05

Sh-Utils-2.0 for Windows

An MS-Windows (Win32) port of Sh-Utils-2.0 is available from

The GNU Shell Utilities are the basic shell-manipulation utilities of the GNU Operating

The tools supplied with this package are:

  • [ - Check file types and compare values
  • basename - Removes the path prefix from a given pathname.
  • chroot - Changes the root directory.
  • date - Prints/sets the system date and time.
  • dirname - Removes the last level or filename from a given pathname.
  • echo - Prints a line of text.
  • env - Displays/modifies the environment.
  • expr - Evaluates expressions.
  • factor - Prints prime factors.
  • false - Returns an unsuccessful exit status.
  • groups - Print the groups that the user is a member of.
  • hostid - Print the numeric identifier for the current host
  • hostname - Print or set the machine name.
  • id - Print real/effective uid/gid.
  • logname - Print current login name.
  • nice - Modify scheduling priority.
  • nohup - Allows a command to continue running after logging out.
  • pathchk - Check file name portability.
  • pinky - Lightweight finger
  • printenv - Prints environment variables.
  • printf - Formats and prints data.
  • pwd - Print the current working directory.
  • seq - Print numeric sequences.
  • sleep - Suspends execution for a specified time.
  • stty - Print/change terminal settings.
  • su - Allows you to adopt the id of another user or superuser.
  • tee - Sends output to multiple files.
  • test - Evaluates an expression.
  • true - Returns a successful exit status.
  • tty - Print terminal name.
  • uname - Print system information.
  • users - Print current user names.
  • who - Print a list of all users currently logged in.
  • whoami - Print effective user id.
  • yes - Print a string repeatedly.
Posted by GnuWin 2003-04-05

new packages / releases

In the last few weeks the following packages and releases have been added:

8 April 2003: LibIntl-0.11.5: library for native language support
8 April 2003: LibIconv-1.8: convert from and to character sets
2 April 2003: MkTemp-1.5: return temporary-file name
30 March 2003: Src-Highlite-1.7: make HTML from source code
30 March 2003: x86Info-1.11: display x86 CPU diagnostics
30 March 2003: File-4.01: determine file type
27 March 2003: T1Utils-1.27: Postscript Type 1 tools
20 March 2003: PcRe-4.1: Perl-compatible regular-expression library
16 March 2003: Grap-1.30: language for typesetting graphs (Groff and LaTeX): now supports color output
16 March 2003: File-3.41: determine file type
15 March 2003: Enscript-1.6.3-2: convert text files to PostScript: update (fixed bug #685108 and help request for correct behavior on Windows XP)
4 March 2003: HexTools-1.0: reversible hexdump
4 March 2003: Hex2Bin-1.02: convert Motorola and Intel hex files to binary
3 March 2003: Rpl-1.4.0: replace strings in multiple files

Posted by GnuWin 2003-04-05

Jpeg-6b for Windows

A new release of Jpeg-6b is available from
This fixes bug # 645011 and several bugs reported in the Help Forum.

Posted by GnuWin 2002-12-14

Glpk-3.2.1 for Windows

An MS-Windows (Win32) port of Glpk-3.2.1 is available from

GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit) is a set of routines written in
ANSI C and organized in the form of a library. This package is intended
for solving large-scale linear programming (LP), mixed integer linear
programming (MIP), and other related problems.

GLPK has the following main features:

  • implementation of the revised simplex method (based on sparse matrix
    technique, steepest edge pricing, and two-pass pivoting technique);
  • implementation of the primal-dual interior point method;
  • implementation of the branch-and-bound procedure (based on the dual
    simplex method);
  • application program interface (API).
Posted by GnuWin 2002-08-17

MS Visual C++ import libraries

In several packages the MS Visual C++ import libraries have been updated:


The Mingw and Borland C++ libraries are not affected.

Posted by GnuWin 2002-08-14

NetPbm-10.6 for Windows

An MS-Windows (Win32) port of NetPbm-10.6 is available from

Netpbm consists of over 250 tools for editing, converting and analyzing images.

Changes in 10.4-10.6:

pnmtotga: put "image ID" in TGA output.
ppmtotga: Correct name to pnmtotga.
pnmcomp: Add -opacity option.
pbmtog3: Add -nofixedwidth option.
ppmtopgm: upgrade to handle multi-image PPM file.
icontopbm: fix bugs with invalid input formats.
ppmtompeg: fix crash with logarithmic psearch algorithm and non-power-of-2 search range.
configure: fix use of compiler other than cc.
Fix Cygwin library build for default DLLVER.
Fix file handle problem with Configure on old Perl.
Don't use .defs file/run dlltool (Windows).
Make library link on Solaris with GNU Ld work
Make Configure not depend on File::Temp.
Fix space after -I bug in Makefile.common, lib/Makefile.
Change a bunch of macros to upper case; avoid name collision of round() with math library.
Configure detects broken gcc, sets -O2.
Configure detects jpeg headers not in default search path.

Posted by GnuWin 2002-08-03

Gif2Png-2.4.6 for Windows

An MS-Windows (Win32) port of the latest release (2.4.6) of Gif2Png is
available from

Gif2Png converts GIF images to PNG images.

Posted by GnuWin 2002-08-02

FdLibM-5.2 for Windows

An MS-Windows (Win32) port of FdLibM-5.2 is
available from

FdLibM is C math library for machines that support IEEE 754 floating-point.
It can be used as an addition to the standard math functions provided with

Posted by GnuWin 2002-08-02

x86info-1.10 for Windows

An MS-Windows port of x86info-1.10s available from

x86info displays x86 CPU diagnostics. x86info probes the CPU registers to
find out a lot more information. It can discover the contents of
model-specific registers, discover CPU silicon revisions, and lots more.

The changes in this release are as follows:
Added recognition for newer P4 Xeons, AMD Clawhammer ES, VIA Cyrix
Ezra-T, and several new Intel cache descriptors. It is now possible
to dump MTRR registers and decode the AMD K6 EFER register. The
output of the machine check registers was reformatted, bugs
discovered using valgrind were fixed, and the type of CPU socket in
use is now displayed. There was also an internal code cleanup.

Posted by GnuWin 2002-07-24

Src-Highlite-1.5 for Windows

An MS-Windows (Win32) port of Src-Highlite-1.5 is available from

Src-Highlite converts C, C++, Java, Prolog, Perl, PHP3, and Python source code to an
HTML or XHTML page with syntax highlighted.
Src-Highlite can now be installed in any directory, not only in its default one.

Changes in 1.5:
* xhtml output format is now handled
* assert is now recognized as a Java keyword
* a scanner for Python
* when in Php3 strings can span more than one lines and line numbers are
correctly formatted.

Posted by GnuWin 2002-07-21