Fred Weinhaus - 2022-03-30

Is it possible to splot an rgb float format image by channel?

I do not seem to be able to get that to work?

The following works to get the red channel plot:

set terminal png medium size 600,500 background rgb "white"
set output "y.png"
set xrange [0:128]
set yrange [0:128] reverse
set zrange [0:1]
set xyplane at 0
set nokey
set border 4095 linecolor rgb "black"
set multiplot layout 1,1
splot "y.rgb" binary array=128x128 format='%f%f%f' flipy every 3:3 using 1:2:3 with lines linetype rgb "red"
unset multiplot

But the following does not work to get the green channel plot.

set terminal png medium size 600,500 background rgb "white"
set output "y.png"
set xrange [0:128]
set yrange [0:128] reverse
set zrange [0:1]
set xyplane at 0
set nokey
set border 4095 linecolor rgb "black"
set multiplot layout 1,1
splot "y.rgb" binary array=128x128 format='%f%f%f' flipy every 3:3 using 1:2:3 with lines linetype rgb "red"
splot "y.rgb" binary array=128x128 format='%f%f%f' flipy every 3:3 using 1:2:4 with lines linetype rgb "green"
unset multiplot

Can someone help me to get this to work or confirm that it is not possible?

Currently using gnuplot 5.4.2