
Tip of the Arrow is missing in pngcairo, jpeg and pdfcairo Terminals

  • Roberto Ramirez Cervantes


    This is for Version 5.4 patch level 5 last modified 2022-09-28, running on Windows Version 10.0.19045.2251

    When I setup an arrow object, it looks ok in Windows Terminal, but the tip is missing when I send the output to the pngcairo, jpeg or pdfcairo Terminals, is there a way to fix this?

    Thank you

    set datafile separator comma
    set style data circles
    set terminal pngcairo enhanced background rgb "0xFFFFFF" size 768, 768
    set size square
    set output 'C:\temp\missingtip.png'
    set grid noxtics
    set grid noytics
    set xrange [-1.5:1.5]
    set yrange [-1.5:1.5]
    unset xtics; unset ytics; unset x2tics; unset y2tics
    set border 0
    set title "{/Tahoma=22 This is the Title}" font "Tahoma,22" textcolor rgb "0xE25822" rotate by 0
    set key off
    set arrow 27 from 0,0 to -0.0000,0.6000 lw 10 lc rgb "0x436B95" head filled
    plot 2

  • Tatsuro MATSUOKA

    I ran your script on my PC using gnuplot 5.4.5 for windows.
    The ouput png file is attached.
    I cannot reproduce your obsevation.

  • Tatsuro MATSUOKA

    I ran your script gnuplot-5.4.5 on Cygwin and Ubuntu-22.04 on WSL2.
    The phenomenon was reproduced on Cygwin but not reproduced on Ubuntu (WSL2).


    Last edit: Tatsuro MATSUOKA 2022-11-14
  • Roberto Ramirez Cervantes

    That is very interesting, I tried on another of my Windows computers and I got the same missing tip of the arrow.


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