
dotted lines in latex

  • tco

    tco - 2005-03-31

    I am trying to create dotted lines in the latex terminal. Althoush shows that all the even line types should be dotted or sached, they all come out solid for me. Here is my code.

    unset arrow
    set terminal latex
    set output "gr1.tex"
    set style line 1 lt 6
    set arrow 1 from 0.9, 0 to 0.9, 1 nohead ls 1
    set arrow 2 from 0.5, 0.1 to .95, 0.1 nohead lt 4

    • Hans-Bernhard Broeker

      Are you aware that you're looking at a 14 years old document to refer to qualities of a <1 year old program?

      The definitive reference for linetype meanings on any terminal type is not some ancient scroll, but the output of the 'test' command, executed on that same terminal driver.

      BTW: 'latex' is almost certainly not the best choice of terminal driver you could make, unless you have *very* specific requirements.  Pretty much all other drivers from the wider PostScript and LaTeX family will be more useful than it.

      • tco

        tco - 2005-03-31

        Yes, I am aware that I am using ancient documentation. I can find nothing more recent.

        The only other latex-related terminal that works is epslatex. [The others give me errors that are not caused by my .tex file.] I use a PC and therefore I use miktek. I am visually impaired so like to use pdflatex to take advantage of the accessibility features of Adobe Reader. But miktek can't pdflatex documents with eps files.  So it is either the latex terminal or the unhelpful epslatex.

        PS I cannot find the test output file when I run the test command.

        • Hans-Bernhard Broeker

          Those errors the other terminal drivers give you are caused by you using pdflatex instead of plain LaTeX: pdflatex simply can't handle postscript images.

          The usual way out of this is to use epslatex, then convert the postscript part to pdf using the ps2pdf program that comes with ghostscript, or some similar tool.  After that, pdflatex will be able to process the epslatex terminal's output just fine.

          You could, of course, use any other pdf-friendly format instead.  gnuplot can be compiled to have a native PDF driver.  You could convert the 'postscript' terminal's output to PDF.  You can use any of the various bitmap image terminals (PNG, JPEG, GIF, PBM) and put that into your document (but then it will no longer work with plain LaTeX).

          I would expect at least some of the other LaTeX-family drivers in gnuplot to be usable with pdflatex, too.  Most notably eepic and/or emtex.


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