
3D Plot - Z Axis Out of Scale

J Kelly
  • J Kelly

    J Kelly - 2018-12-12


    I am running a simple 3D graph with x, y, z. The z surface plot does not configure the way you would expect. For example take this csv data:
    rpm, Nm, time
    600, -200, 0
    600, -150, 0.01
    600, -100, 0.02
    600, -50, 0.03
    600, 0, 0.04
    600, 50, 0.05
    600, 100, 0.06
    600, 150, 0.07
    600, 200, 0.08
    600, 250, 0.09
    600, 300, 0.1
    600, 700, 10.00

    • When using autoscale the z plot does not plot up to the highest value of 10. Rather only to 4 as shown in the attachement. Any suggestions on what I am missing here.

    I am using the following script to plot:

    cd 'file'
    set title 'Transientness Plot'
    set xlabel "RPM"
    set ylabel "Nm"
    set zlabel "Time (s)" rotate
    set datafile separator ','
    set autoscale
    set zrange [0:50]
    set surface
    set palette
    set grid
    set dgrid3d
    set key off
    set pm3d
    set zrange [0:10]
    splot "transientness_data.csv" using 1:2:3 with pm3d

    • Hans-Bernhard Broeker

      The z surface plot does not configure the way you would expect.

      On the contrary, it plots exactly the way I would expect it. But that's probably because I understand the commands you used better than you do ;-)

      The real key here is that (at least the given subset of) the data does not actually form a z surface. Your use of 'set dgrid3d' turns it into a surface --- but not the one you actually wanted. If you really do have a surface dataset, you shouldn't need, nor use, dgrid3d on it. If you don't, you need to read more of "help dgrid3d" to understand what it does.


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