Linda - 2021-09-30

I am using version 5.2

One is plot with image while the other is plot with point. But the color is not match with each other. There is some problems when plotting with image. Does anyone how to fix it? Thanks in advance!

My code is as following:
set table "heatmap.dat"
set log x
set isosamples 1000,3
set xrange [0.2:40]
set yrange [0:2]
splot log10(x)
unset table

set cbrange[-0.69897:1.60206]
set palette defined ( log10(0.2) "pink", log10(1) "white", (log10(1)+log10(2.4))/2 "green", log10(2.4) "white", log10(40) "orange" )
plot "heatmap.dat" w image,\
"" w p pt 7 palette