
#138 choosing HEX password makes other buttons disappear

Ken Mankoff

If I choose "Hex" as a password generation option on
the new 2.0-pre4 version, all the other buttons
("pronouncable", "a-z", "A-Z", etc.) disappear until I
tap "Hex" again.

Makes sense since those options are invalid, but maybe
you should set enabled=false rather than visible=false,
as it is confusing.


  • Jochen Hoenicke

    Jochen Hoenicke - 2005-02-28

    Logged In: YES

    Unfortunately there is no such thing as "graying" out controls. When I
    disable them, they still look the same, they only do not react anymore.
    I think this is very confusing.

    As a compromise I could try to just hide the text inside the controls,
    but I'm not sure how much work this is.

  • Jochen Hoenicke

    Jochen Hoenicke - 2005-02-28
    • assigned_to: nobody --> hoenicke
  • Ken Mankoff

    Ken Mankoff - 2005-03-01

    Logged In: YES

    You are right, I was thinking of a different language &
    platform when I suggest "enable = false".

    Still, I think the behavior/events that occur when "hex" is
    tapped is counter-intuitive. It isn't against the behavior
    of a toggle button, but it is against the behavior of a
    group of toggle buttons. If "hex" were seperated (not part
    of a group of toggle buttons) it would be easier to understand.

    2 possibilities:

    1) make it a seperate toggle above the "length" section. It
    could then exist alone as a toggle or checkbox, or perhaps
    with a partner(s) like alpha,alphanumeric,ASCII,whatever.
    But in truth, none of those partners make sense, and alone
    it would look silly/dangling.

    2) leave it roughly where it is, but give it a few pixels
    seperation. Dropping it down would make it look kinda ugly,
    unfortunately. But shrinking "pronounceable" could work (at
    least in english) so that it has a few pixels to the right.

    3) Totally different approach: change "hex" to "A-F". Stick
    it to the left or right of 0-9. Put the aYc where hex is
    now. Don't make hex (a.k.a A-F) hide anything. Leave it to
    me to check A-F and 0-9 and only those two if I want
    hexadecimal passwords. Deal with the extra length options by
    adding a second row of lengths, changing to a popup menu, or
    something else...

    I vote for #3.


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