
GDL gives symbol lookup error

  • devastator

    devastator - 2008-04-18

    Hi, I have downloaded gdl-0.9pre6.tar.gz from here and tried to install to my laptop that running Ubuntu 7.10. So I did the following:

    sudo apt-get install libreadline5-dev
    sudo apt-get install libgsl0 libgsl0-dev
    sudo apt-get install libmagick++9-dev

    I have the plplot installed from Synaptic Package Manager.

    I run the usual installation process:
    ./configure --with-readlinedir=/usr/lib/ --with-gsldir=/usr/lib/ --with-plplotdir=/usr/lib/ --with-Magick=/usr/lib/ --with-hdf=no --with-hdf5=no --with-netcdf=no --with-python=no
    sudo make install

    The GDL runs:
    GDL> a=5
    GDL> print,a

    but when I try to plot:
    GDL> plot,dindgen(100),dindgen(100)
    gdl: symbol lookup error: gdl: undefined symbol: _ZN8plstream6SetOptEPcS0_

    Does anyone know what cause this and how can I fix it? I'm not sure what other info I need to post here and please let me know if there is any suggestion.

    Many thanks for the help.

    • Alain C.

      Alain C. - 2008-04-21

      Please give a chance to the current 0.9rc1 version,
      which is more recent than the 0.9pre6 you mention

      As mentioned in a recent message, I compiled it on different
      computers (rpm' like and .deb like) using:

        ./configure --without-hdf5 --with-Magick=no --without-netcdf --without-hdf --with-plplot=/home/coulais/GDL/plplot-5.9.0/Compilation/

      because the plot was compiled in local directory ...

      On some computers, I do have had some troubles which may be are the same than you have,
      and problems where solved using :

      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/coulais/GDL/plplot-5.9.0/Compilation/
      (obviously, you have to adapt it !)

      Thas occurs on a Scientific linux but also on a computer
      I used to play with several configurations
      (old plplot versions for testing purposes ...)

      If an expert could give some explainations or a link about this
      weakness, we will be happy to improve our !



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