
#294 listing adjustments

listing (2)
  • in the listing header: show only the filename of the processed source, even when it is specified as path (reason: when a full path is specified the source file name is often truncated completely)
  • after the first listing header: show the complete name for the source (as specified on command line), with line continuation if necessary
  • after this line: show command line used for compilation (may need line continuation) and environment variables that actually change the compilation only if set (COB_CONFIG_DIR, COB_COPY_DIR/COBCPY, maybe more later [including system wide options via directive file/environment variable) - done a bit different, no system wide options yet; adding the variables will make the testsuite much ore complex, so that should be reconsidered
  • add -fno-ttimestamp (with getopt a user can abbreviate that to -fno-ttime); to "suppress timestamp in listing headers"; note: this may provide more space for the title (not sure if we'd use it anywhere)
  • new option, which also fixes the TODO from set_standard_title():
CB_FLAG_RQ (cb_listing_with_title, 1, "ttitle",
    _("  -fttitle=<title>      set listing title;\n"
      "                        defaults to package name and version"))
  • adjust the testsuite - only use UNIFY_LISTING in one place, in all the others set -fttitle="GnuCOBOL V.R.P" -fno-ttimestamp (the best option is possibly to add a new $COMPILE_LISTING to atlocal which uses $COMPILE_ONLY -fttitle="GnuCOBOL V.R.P" -fno-ttimestamp -tlines=0 an use that


  • Simon Sobisch

    Simon Sobisch - 2022-12-17
    • status: open --> accepted
    • assigned_to: Simon Sobisch --> nobody
    • Group: GC 3.0 --> unclassified
    • labels: --> listing

    Last edit: Simon Sobisch 2022-12-17
  • Simon Sobisch

    Simon Sobisch - 2022-12-17

    Only a FYI ping @nberth - no request to do that anytime soon, but if you tackle the listing more, this may be a good thing to look at. There should be an option to disable this, similar to the diagnostics.

  • Simon Sobisch

    Simon Sobisch - 2023-01-02

    Note: integrating the command line was added in [r4906], but may be adjusted (for example: I haven't checked yet what happens with a command line with a lot of arguments that would take 4 lines to be printed), the rest is open.



    Commit: [r4906]

  • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

    I suggest you show the path/filename justified from the right so just the left hand edge is missing, that way at least the most significant bit is printed.
    Show like for IBM and MF one sub command per line left hand side and may be in alpha order.

  • Simon Sobisch

    Simon Sobisch - 2023-07-03
    • Description has changed:


    --- old
    +++ new
    @@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
    -This may goes into 3.0 or will be postponed to a later version....
     * in the listing header: show only the filename of the processed source, even when it is specified as path (reason: when a full path is specified the source file name is often truncated completely)
     * after the first listing header: show the complete name for the source (as specified on command line), with line continuation if necessary
    -* after this line: show command line used for compilation (may need line continuation) and environment variables that actually change the compilation *only if set* (COB_CONFIG_DIR, COB_COPY_DIR/COBCPY, maybe more later [including system wide options via directive file/environment variable)
    +* &lt;s&gt;after this line: show command line used for compilation (may need line continuation) and environment variables that actually change the compilation *only if set* (COB_CONFIG_DIR, COB_COPY_DIR/COBCPY, maybe more later [including system wide options via directive file/environment variable)&lt;/s&gt; - done a bit different, no system wide options yet; adding the variables will make the testsuite much ore complex, so that should be reconsidered
    +* add  `-fno-ttimestamp` (with getopt a user can  abbreviate that to `-fno-ttime`); to &#34;suppress timestamp in listing headers&#34;; note: this may provide more space for the title (not sure if we&#39;d use it anywhere)
    +* new option, which also fixes the TODO from `set_standard_title()`:
    +CB_FLAG_RQ (cb_listing_with_title, 1, &#34;ttitle&#34;,
    +   _(&#34;  -fttitle=&lt;title&gt;      set listing title;\n&#34;
    +     &#34;                        defaults to package name and version&#34;))
    +* adjust the testsuite - only use UNIFY_LISTING in one place, in all the others set `-fttitle=&#34;GnuCOBOL V.R.P&#34; -fno-ttimestamp` (the best option is possibly to add a new $COMPILE_LISTING to atlocal which uses `$COMPILE_ONLY -fttitle=&#34;GnuCOBOL V.R.P&#34; -fno-ttimestamp -tlines=0` an use that

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