
CBL-GDB Debugging

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  • Simon Sobisch

    Simon Sobisch - 2021-05-28

    I've previously posted a sample config, here's an updated one ("obviously" simplified, but still quite complete and "complex enough") which is saved as Project1.code-workspace with a directory layout of

    scr    <- different project specific scripts
    conf   <- multiple files including Project1.code-workspace

    Building is done via make (also could be done by a script) which does the actual compile and stores the output (stderr/stdout) in a file "per source", then ends with outputting them. This has the benefit that one can later just output (cat) those to get the project's full compilation result (including warnings/hints) within seconds to have them showing up in vscode's "problem pane" (recompilation of everything would take hours).
    For "make"-people (otherwise ignore the remark): The comp_result and check- targets are .PHONY to ensure they are always executed.
    As the GDB commands for setup (including source /path/to/ and additional user-commands, "always on" breakpoints and others are a bigger list and those are a bit "dynamic" they are generated by a python script, if they are "quite fixed" they can of course be static (which removes the prelaunch task currently used).

    Note: Currently the bitlang and cobolworx extensions must be installed manually (they are not available on open-vsx).

        "folders": [
                "path": "../src",
                "name": "src"
                "path": "../scr",
                "name": "scripts"
                "path": "../conf",
                "name": "configs"
        "extensions": {
            "recommendations": [
            "unwantedRecommendations": [
        "settings": {
            // the following settings are shown as "unknown" - we use those
            // to reference 'em via ${config:}, allowing different projects
            // to be nearly identical
            "my.prj": "pr1",
            "my.stage": "dev",
            // "my.userId": "001", // kept in user config
            "debug.allowBreakpointsEverywhere": true,
            "files.autoGuessEncoding": true,
            "files.associations": {
                "*.i": "COBOL",
                "*.dump": "COBOL_GNU_DUMPFILE",
                "*.gdb": "shellscript",
            "[COBOL]": {
                "files.encoding": "iso885915",
                "files.autoGuessEncoding": false
            "coboleditor.copybookexts": [
            "coboleditor.program_extensions": [
            "coboleditor.copybookdirs": [
            "coboleditor.fileformat": [
                    "pattern": "**/*.i",
                    "sourceformat": "free"
                    "pattern": "**/*",
                    "sourceformat": "fixed"
            "coboleditor.sourceview": false,
            "coboleditor.enable_data_provider": true,
            "coboleditor.cache_metadata_user_directory": "../../pr1dev",
            "coboleditor.cache_metadata": "user_defined_directory",
            "coboleditor.process_metadata_cache_on_start": true,
            "coboleditor.cache_metadata_show_progress_messages": true,
            // "coboleditor.pre_parse_line_limit": 250,
            "coboleditor.copybooks_nested": true,
            "coboleditor.parse_copybooks_for_references": false,
            "coboleditor.experimental_features": true,
            "coboleditor.fileformat_strategy": "always_fixed",
            "coboleditor.intellisense_include_uppercase": true,
            "coboleditor.intellisense_include_unchanged": false,
            "coboleditor.format_on_return": "uppercase",
            "coboleditor.linter": true,
            "coboleditor.linter_unused_paragraphs_or_sections": false,
            "editor.maxTokenizationLineLength": 80000,
            "errorLens.gutterIconsEnabled": true,
            "errorLens.statusBarMessageEnabled": true,
            "errorLens.statusBarColorsEnabled": true,
            "errorLens.messageEnabled": true,
            "editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
                "textMateRules": [
                        "scope": "keyword.operator.cobol",
                        "settings": {
                            "foreground": "#0A90C2",
                        "scope": "comment.line.cobol.newpage",
                        "settings": {
                            "foreground": "#ffff00",
                            "fontStyle": "italic bold underline",
            "overtype.labelInsertMode": "Ins",
            "overtype.labelOvertypeMode": "Ovr",
        "tasks": {
            "version": "2.0.0",
            "inputs": [
                    "id": "prj",
                    "description": "Project",
                    "type": "pickString",
                    "options": [
                            "label": "Project 1 - Development",
                            "value": "pr1dev"
                            "label": "Project 1 - Testing",
                            "value": "pr1t"
                            "label": "Project 1 - Release",
                            "value": "pr1r"
                            "label": "Project 2 - Development",
                            "value": "pr2dev"
                            "label": "Project 2 - Testing",
                            "value": "pr2t"
                            "label": "Project 2 - Release",
                            "value": "pr2r"
                            "label": "Master for common components",
                            "value": "master"
                    "default": "master"
                    "id": "exeProgram",
                    "description": "Program to run",
                    "type": "promptString",
                    "id": "pid",
                    "description": "pid to attach to",
                    "type": "promptString",
            "tasks": [
                    "label": "Build",
                    "command": "make",
                    "args": [
                        "-C", "../bin",
                        "-f", "${workspaceFolder:scripts}/Makefile",
                    "presentation": {
                        "echo": false,
                        "reveal": "always",
                        "focus": false,
                        "panel": "shared",
                        "clear": true
                    "problemMatcher": [
                    "group": {
                        "kind": "build",
                        "isDefault": true
                    "label": "Last compile result",
                    "command": "make",
                    "args": [
                        "-C", "../bin",
                        "-f", "${workspaceFolder:scripts}/Makefile",
                    "presentation": {
                        "echo": false,
                        "reveal": "always",
                        "focus": false,
                        "panel": "shared",
                        "clear": true
                    "problemMatcher": [
                    "group": "build"
                    "label": "Check file",
                    "command": "make",
                    "args": [
                        "-C", "../bin",
                        "-f", "${workspaceFolder:scripts}/Makefile",
                    "presentation": {
                        "echo": false,
                        "reveal": "always",
                        "focus": false,
                        "panel": "shared",
                        "clear": true
                    "problemMatcher": [
                    "group": "build"
                    "label": "Build file",
                    "command": "make",
                    "args": [
                        "-C", "../bin",
                        "-f", "${workspaceFolder:scripts}/Makefile",
                        "${fileBasenameNoExtension}.${config:my.objExt}" // objExt: setup in the user setting 
                    "presentation": {
                        "echo": false,
                        "reveal": "always",
                        "focus": false,
                        "panel": "shared",
                        "clear": true
                    "problemMatcher": [
                    "group": "build"
                    "label": "Diff with other project",
                    "linux": {
                        "command": "codium",
                    "windows": {
                        "command": "VSCodium.exe",
                    "args": [
                    "isBackground": true,
                    "group": "none",
                    "problemMatcher": []
                    "label": "Show running COBOL",
                    "linux": {
                        // script doing something along "ps -fu `whoami` | grep 'cobcrun ' | grep -v 'grep\\|vim'"
                        "command": "${workspaceFolder:scripts}/",
                    "windows": {
                        "command": "${workspaceFolder:scripts}/",
                    "args": [
                    "group": "none",
                    "problemMatcher": [],
                    "presentation": {
                        "echo": false,
                        "reveal": "always",
                        "focus": true,
                        "panel": "dedicated",
                        "showReuseMessage": false,
                        "clear": false
                    "label": "execute program",
                    "command": "cobcrun",
                    "args": [
                    "isBackground": true,
                    "group": "none",
                    "problemMatcher": []
                    "label": "create GDB-CMD new",
                    "command": "${config:python.pythonPath}",
                    "args": [
                    "group": "none",
                    "problemMatcher": [],
                    "presentation": {
                        "echo": false,
                        "reveal": "silent",
                        "focus": false,
                        "panel": "shared",
                        "showReuseMessage": false,
                        "clear": false
                    "label": "create GDB-CMD attach",
                    "command": "${config:python.pythonPath}",
                    "args": [
                    "group": "none",
                    "problemMatcher": [],
                    "presentation": {
                        "echo": false,
                        "reveal": "silent",
                        "focus": false,
                        "panel": "shared",
                        "showReuseMessage": false,
                        "clear": false
        "launch": {
            "version": "0.2.0",
            "inputs": [
                    "id": "prog",
                    "description": "program",
                    "type": "promptString",
                    "default": "PROGMAIN"
                    "id": "args",
                    "description": "arguments for main program",
                    "type": "promptString",
                    "default": ""
                // note: pid is part of the prelaunchTask
            "configurations": [
                    "name": "new COBOL",
                    "type": "cbl-gdb",
                    "request": "launch",
                    "program": "cobcrun",
                    "arguments": "-M ../bin ${input:prog} ${input:args}",
                    "cwd": "${workspaceFolder:src}",
                    "preLaunchTask": "create GDB-CMD new",
                    "windows": {
                        "gdbpath": "gdb-multiarch.exe",
                    "autorun": [
                        "source ../../../tmp/${config:my.prj}${config:my.stage}${config:my.userId}.gdb",
                        "cp/r -2",  // disable automatic context-view (performance issue)
                    "name": "attach",
                    "type": "cbl-gdb",
                    "request": "attach",
                    "cwd": "${workspaceFolder:src}",
                    "preLaunchTask": "create GDB-CMD attach",
                    "windows": {
                        "gdbpath": "gdb-multiarch.exe",
                    "autorun": [
                        "source ../../../tmp/${config:my.prj}${config:my.stage}${config:my.userId}.gdb",
                        "cp/r -2",  // disable automatic context-view (performance issue)
                    //"showDevDebugOutput": true,
  • Rich Di Iulio

    Rich Di Iulio - 2021-05-28


    The only thing in my workspace that is OS specific is the following:

            "coboleditor.copybookdirs": [

    I tried to wrap it like I do in my json files, but could not. I did notice you do not have this setting in your Settings section. If I did not have this, I could just have one workspace file.

    Rich Di Iulio

    • Rich Di Iulio

      Rich Di Iulio - 2021-05-28


      I re-read your example and found that you do use coboleditor.copybookdirs. However, what does sub1 and sub2 mean?

      Thank you for posting your workspace file. It has a lot of great ideas in it.

      Rich Di Iulio

      • Simon Sobisch

        Simon Sobisch - 2021-05-28

        bitlang.cobol does not inspect the complete workspace, but only named folders, you can either give an absolute position or just a name of a folder - this is what I do:

        ../conf <- project workspace
        ../src <- source
        ../src /sub1 <- more source, including copybooks

        It is enough to specify "sub1" to have it parsed for COPY statements. It searches for this folder name in every folder in the workspace, you see this after start when opening the output pane, switching there to COBOL. You'll see " Combined Workspace and CopyBook Folders to search:" with a lot of entries (if you have lots of folders like this workspace has) and then even more "Invalid CopyBook directories" (in my case 36).
        And you can specify as many invalid entries as you want...

        I'd would go with (guessing that R:\salonsavvy is the place where your code-workpace file and sources reside

                "coboleditor.copybookdirs": [
  • Rich Di Iulio

    Rich Di Iulio - 2021-05-31

    With some work and suggestions from Simon (many thanks), I have a single workspace file. Under Linux, I can build and debug my application. However, under Windows I cannot debug. It sounds like it cannot find gdb. I tried using gdbpath, but it did not help. Here is the error:

    Could not start debugger process, does the program exist in filesystem?
    Error: spawn gdb ENOENT

    I even tried using gdb-muliarch.exe, still no joy! I thought the command spawn maybe want is missing. I could not seem to find that executable.

    Now, should I just reside myself to not debug programs in Windows?

    As always, thanks for any help.

    Rich Di Iulio

    • Simon Sobisch

      Simon Sobisch - 2021-05-31

      Yes, this means it cannot find gdb. And yes, if you add/change the gdbpath setting in the launch configuration (to a path where a recent gdb.exe or gdb-multiarch.exe [mind the missing T in your post] resides) should work.

  • Rich Di Iulio

    Rich Di Iulio - 2021-06-14

    Today I updated my Linux laptop, which updated VS Codium. Now the workspace configuration will not allow 'Linux" or "Windows". I tried to look for a workaround, but have not found one yet. I may have to go back to two versions of the workspace file.

    Rich Di Iulio

    • Simon Sobisch

      Simon Sobisch - 2021-06-14

      Are you sure? I think this is possibly just related to the workspace trust and as soon as you enable that everything may work again. To check this: click on the "restricted" icon in the lower left, then choose "trust".

      Edit: for details and a way to fix that by @rdubner-s see


      Last edit: Simon Sobisch 2021-06-14
      • Rich Di Iulio

        Rich Di Iulio - 2021-06-14


        Okay, I found the change does not affect Tasks process. The errors appear in the Launch process. I ran a debug session just fine. Thank you for your response.

        Rich Di Iulio

  • Marcos Martins Duma


    I'm trying to use cobcd (cobolworkx) to debug a program. The command is returning the following error on Oracle Linux:

    cobcd -x program.cob
    program.s: Assembler messages:
    program.s:13870: Error: leb128 operand is an undefined symbol: .LVU139
    program.s:13871: Error: leb128 operand is an undefined symbol: .LVU139

    • Simon Sobisch

      Simon Sobisch - 2023-06-02

      As already posted on SO - your question misses the - in this case quite important - information about the used versions:

      • of Oracle Linux
      • cbl-gdb package from COBOLworx
      • of the compiler - both GnuCOBOL and underlying C compiler - get by cobc -vV

      Additional: Is cbl-gdb installed from source or from an RPM from their website?
      Note that (cbl-gdb only supports version 3.1.2 or 3.2, the RPMs possibly only support 3.1.2 so far.

      • Marcos Martins Duma

        Cobolworkx: Version 4.28.4. Source:
        Linux: Oracle Linux Server release 8.7
        Cobol: GnuCOBOL 3.1.2
        Compiler: gcc 8.5.0

        • Simon Sobisch

          Simon Sobisch - 2023-06-02

          In this case I'd suggest to update to 4.28.6, build again, then go to the tests3.1 directory and run make test.
          If this fails similar then check with @rdubner-s or his team via
          If it doesn't fail then install that and check again, if then still get your errors with your programs check with Bob, too.

          • Marcos Martins Duma

            Good night Simon! I updated the version but it didn't work:
            [duma@cristal tests3.1]$ make test
            make -C test001 test
            make[1]: Entering directory '/home/duma/debug/cbl-gdb/tests3.1/test001'
            COBCDEVEL=1 COBCDFMODE=0 /usr/bin/python3 ../../cobcd -x test.cbl
            test.s: Assembler messages:
            test.s:11324: Error: leb128 operand is an undefined symbol: .LVU824
            test.s:11325: Error: leb128 operand is an undefined symbol: .LVU824

            Thank you anyway.

            • Simon Sobisch

              Simon Sobisch - 2023-06-04

              please keep us posted about the results you get with COBOLworx on this issue

  • Marcos Martins Duma

    Good night Simon!

    In my case, Oracle Linux GCC is generating the "FORTIFY_SORCE" directive in a way not foreseen in cobcd:

    gcc -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs= /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -fstack-protector-strong -pipe -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -I/usr/include -Wno-unused -fsigned-char -Wno-pointer-sign -O -fcf-protection=none -ggdb -o test.s test.c -S
    /home/duma/debug/cbl-gdb/cobcd-sfix/cobcd-sfix -q test.s test.s test.c test.cbl

    I added these lines to cobcd and managed to compile my program:
    ## We need to get rid of '-Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' That value completely
    ## messes up COBOL executables.
    COB_CFLAGS_BASE = COB_CFLAGS_BASE.replace("-O","")

    Sorry for my bad English.


    Marcos M. Duma


    Last edit: Marcos Martins Duma 2023-06-09
  • Marcos Martins Duma

    Hi Simon!

    Trying to follow your suggestion (on another forum), I managed to get this script that I'm using on Linux:


    import os
    from pathlib import Path
    import subprocess, signal
    import time
    import platform
    import gdb
    def read_num_terminal():
        home = Path.home()
        fileName = os.path.join(home, ".numterm")
        if not os.path.isfile(fileName):
            return None
        file1 = open(fileName, "r")
        termName = file1.readlines()[0].strip()
        return termName
    def isTermOn():
        bTermIsOn = False
        termName= read_num_terminal()
        #file exists?
        if termName:
            searchStr= termName.split("/")[2]+"/"+termName.split("/")[3]
            ps = subprocess.Popen(('ps', '-e'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
            output = ps.communicate()[0]
            for line in output.decode("utf8").split('\n'):
                if line.find(searchStr)>=0 and line.find("sleep")>=0:
        return bTermIsOn
    def main():
        command1 = None
        if platform.system() == "Linux":
            # Open the new terminal - xterm
            if not isTermOn():
                process = subprocess.Popen(["xterm","-title","GnuCobol Debug",
                                            "-fa", "DejaVu Sans Mono", 
                                            "-fs", "16", 
                                            "-e", "/usr/bin/tty>~/.numterm; sleep 1000000;"],
                                stdin =subprocess.DEVNULL,
                                preexec_fn=(lambda: signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIG_IGN))
                # Read the tty device name
            # Redirect to terminal
            termName= read_num_terminal()
            command1 = 'set inferior-tty ' + termName  # Using readlines()
            command1 = 'set new-console'
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    In the launch.json configuration clb-gdb I do the following:

        // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
        // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
        // For more information, visit:
        "version": "0.2.0",
        "configurations": [
                "name": "cobc build and debug",
                "type": "cbl-gdb",
                "request": "launch",
                "linux": {
                    "autorun": ["source /usr/local/bin/", 
                                "source /debug/"
                "windows": {
                    "autorun": [ "source d:\\gnucobol-3.2\\bin\\", "set new-console" ],
                "preLaunchTask": "make",
                "program": "${workspaceFolder}/${fileBasenameNoExtension}",
                "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
                "arguments": ""

    To run it, you need to call codium from the terminal, like this:

    cd  cob_project
    codium .

    and then "F5" to start the debug.

    I took the liberty of posting it because it might make it a little easier to start debugging.


    Last edit: Marcos Martins Duma 2023-06-16
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