
JAPI 2.0 is avaible

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  • László Erdős

    László Erdős - 2020-12-25


    I added "JDesktopPane" and "JInternalFrame" to COBJAPI. With these you can create MDI (Multiple Document Interface) applications. That means you can use more sub-frames in a main-frame.

    Example programs: tools/cobjapi/SWING/examples_simple/internalframe1.cob
    and tools/cobjapi/SWING/examples_simple/internalframe2.cob



    Last edit: László Erdős 2020-12-25
  • Rich Di Iulio

    Rich Di Iulio - 2020-12-25


    Thank you for these new components.....Merry Christmas


  • László Erdős

    László Erdős - 2021-03-27


    I added a new component "TitledPanel" to COBJAPI.


    Example program: tools/cobjapi/SWING/examples_simple/titledpanel.cob



    Last edit: László Erdős 2021-03-27
  • László Erdős

    László Erdős - 2021-03-27


    I added a new component "Japi2Table" to COBJAPI.

    Example programs: tools/cobjapi/SWING/examples/table

    The table example shows you the usage of the following table-relevant functions.

    Create table:
    - J-TABLE

    Add a row with data to the table:

    Delete all rows in the table:

    Get selected row index with a double click on the row:

    Set column withs for every columns:

    Color settings functions:

    The example also shows how you can fill a table from a simple COBOL
    internal table and find the selected row in the table.

    - Implement separator char as an input function parameter.



    Last edit: László Erdős 2021-03-27
    • thomas

      thomas - 2021-03-28

      Japi2Table is a big feature i have been waiting for this for a long time,

      Thank you László.

  • László Erdős

    László Erdős - 2021-03-31


    example frame2.cob with J-GETSCREENWIDTH and J-GETSCREENHEIGHT added.


  • Rich Di Iulio

    Rich Di Iulio - 2021-04-18

    I was trying to use J-SETECHOCHAR with J-FORMATTEDTEXTFIELD and my program failed. I am assuming that this will not work? I have a backup plan if this true.


  • László Erdős

    László Erdős - 2021-04-18

    Hi Rich,

    i have checked the inheritance of the java classes and it is currently not possible to use the setEchoChar method in JFormattedTextField. The standard java library is built in this way. You have to change your code back.


    • Rich Di Iulio

      Rich Di Iulio - 2021-04-18


      Thank you for checking.


  • Erich Mueller

    Erich Mueller - 2021-05-02

    I would like to contribute something
    need your opinions what to do first
    1. Video which shows an old cobol program as is and with japi
    2. translate the japi reference manual into english (are there old copyrights ????? )

    • Simon Sobisch

      Simon Sobisch - 2021-05-02

      Both :-)

      I think the video may be produced faster, I suggest a "common evolution example":

      • intermixed ACCEPT
      • cobjapi as an example for a GUI framework

      I suggest that you create these sources under a free license and, if you like to, in the contrib repository under "samples" (or, if László is OK with that under cobjapi).

      The documentation on japi2 is available at (documentation.pdf and japi4-model.pdf), it may be a good option to fork that repo and at least add a PR for an English version of the documentation. That complete repo is LGPL, which is possibly not a "good" license for documentation, but in every case allows to create a derivative work (a translation).
      You may want to contact the authors via mail and ask for the option to have them explicit re-release the docs under the GFDL.

      The initial api documentation (generatied javadoc) of japi is also available in English, see while the programming manual is only available in German.
      The license is not explicit specified (it is not contained within the original sources which are under LGPL). You may or may not able to contact the initial author.

      That said: of course there are old copyrights for the docs, if those are under a free (documentation) license, you can just translate and/or add to those specifying your additional copyrights - as checking this with the original authors possibly take some time, I'd likely try to reach out to those first, then go on with preparing the video and when you are finished get back to the translation.

  • László Erdős

    László Erdős - 2021-05-02


    I have created a new function J-INITIALIZE. With this function you can initialize a TextField, TextArea or FormattedTextField.
    I have added J-INITIALIZE to the following examples: textfield.cob, formattedtextfield.cob and texteditor.cob.


    • Simon Sobisch

      Simon Sobisch - 2021-05-02

      @laszloerdos, I think that you've added new components to japi2 in the lasts years. If this is the case do you mind to add those as a PR to

      Concening cobjapi:
      Wouldn't it be reasonable to auto-register J-QUIT() in the GnuCOBOL exit handlers via CBL-EXIT-PROC on J-START() (and de-register it no J-QUIT?
      This function is available in different PC based compilers, and via ON EXCEPTION CONTINUE this could also stay portable with adjusting the documentation that it will be automatically called in GnuCOBOL and MicroFocus on runtime exit.

      • László Erdős

        László Erdős - 2021-05-02

        Hi Simon,

        yes, I created some new components last time. (I did it because no one else did it. I'm not an expert on Java programming.) Earlier I tried to contact with Maximilian Strauch, unfortunately without success. There has been no change on Max's homepage for 5 years. But it is also good if we only have one repository and do not have to maintain several repos. I am satisfied with it.

        I will check CBL-EXIT-PROC.


        • Erich Mueller

          Erich Mueller - 2021-05-03

          I keep on trying to reach him

          the e-mail address from the web page is dead.



          Last edit: Simon Sobisch 2021-05-05
  • Erich Mueller

    Erich Mueller - 2021-05-02

    Laszlo Good man,

    *I have created a new function J-INITIALIZE. With this function you can initialize a TextField, TextArea or FormattedTextField.
    I have added J-INITIALIZE to the following examples: textfield.cob, formattedtextfield.cob and texteditor.cob.

    I just wanted write you about that while fighting deleting content from formated textfileds

    Erich, having a happy sunday

    But should that message not be in "Help gettin started" ?

    • Simon Sobisch

      Simon Sobisch - 2021-05-02

      No, because this is the COBJAPI announcement thread (we should move other stuff elsewhere though).

  • Erich Mueller

    Erich Mueller - 2021-05-05

    That is what I always wanted.
    Thank you Lászó !

    • Simon Sobisch

      Simon Sobisch - 2021-05-05

      Just some minor suggestions for changes
      labels all right-aligned without trailing underscores
      possibly replace the green- on black text with "real" labels
      * upgedated->aktualisiert, GNUCobol->GnuCOBOL

      I'm looking forward to the samples you want to prepare.

  • Erich Mueller

    Erich Mueller - 2021-05-05

    Suggestions all welcome
    What do you think about the basic green screen theme ?
    any other other color suggestions or is black/grey/green o.k.
    in order to make dinos feel home ?
    My plan is to make a video and compare the old program
    with the japi version, so it should really look fine

    • Simon Sobisch

      Simon Sobisch - 2021-05-05

      The before one is fine - but either you style everything in that way (it would be neat to be able to "select" "dino-style" with a single function call in cobcjapi) or the japi version should look "all modern" (so no single black-green at all).

  • Erich Mueller

    Erich Mueller - 2021-05-09

    "Nobody would use JAPI with that awful voice in that video"
    said my son.....
    So I made a .pdf which I attach awaiting your
    comments .

    • Eugenio Di Lorenzo

      Hi Erich,
      you did a good job.
      Could you add the same information for a windows environment?

  • Erich Mueller

    Erich Mueller - 2021-05-10

    Hi Eugenio,
    Thanks for your comment,
    certainly YES I would be ready to do it but, .... i forgot how to power on
    a windows-PC.
    Trying harder: The difference, I think is not to big, so there
    are not too many changes - it is done with LIBREOFFICE-DRAW-
    so if there is someone in the community using the Win-Version
    we could do it together. In those days people are using Jitsy or Zoom etc.
    to do teamwork so why not using it in our community ?

    By the way: Is there an interest of Japi-Users out there to have a Video-conference
    sharing Japi experiences ???
    So looking forward to coworker's responses
    have good make well Erich

  • Erich Mueller

    Erich Mueller - 2021-05-10

    Customer-Udate with picture
    with Japi only 4 lines of code

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