

15 hours ago
  • Juan Carlos Escartí

    Be thankful when things are done well
    Kudos to the GNUCOBOL developers
    I'm compiling and testing COBOL programs. They compile simultaneously in MF and GNU.
    Errors are displayed significantly better in GNUCOBOL
    Hats off to the GNUCOBOL team, congratulations

    • Eugenio Di Lorenzo

      I totally agree with what you wrote and I would kindly ask you to add it to the USER REVIEWS.

    • Simon Sobisch

      Simon Sobisch - 2024-09-21

      Thanks for your post. Things like this are definitely nice to read from time to time as quite some effort goes also into it (often way more than from time to time).
      It is also interesting to have feedback what users like (even more if those parts were relative recently adjusted),

      Do you have some examples for the different output (of course I know there are also places where other compilers output better diagnostics, but I work on reducing these parts)?

      Also - if you find things were you believe that there is room for improvement - please create a new topic (preferably posting to an existing , if there is one) for each different issue, because apart from "project planning" and what people contributing consider most useful, there's also room to implement other interesting points.

  • Juan Carlos Escartí

    Thanks to you, the truth is that I'm having a difficult year. Now the only Cobol programmer I had left the company on Monday, September 23, and I also took care of administration and payments.

    Now I'll have to deal with finding resources for the day-to-day running of the company, and or transfer a Web programmer to learn Cobol. Finding Cobol experts in this city is very difficult.

    I'm the boss and it seems that I'm always putting out fires
    Anyway, reality is hard

    P.S. Eugenio, I can't move the post

    • Eugenio Di Lorenzo

      Eugenio Di Lorenzo - 19 hours ago

      Hi, wouldn't it be enough to copy and paste instead of moving the post ?

    • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

      Why don't you say exactly what your problem's are regarding your Cobol
      suite / applications have ?

      I and some other readers are retired and might well have some free time
      available to help and if you are prepared to pay a wee fee for it.


      On 27/09/2024 20:51, Juan Carlos Escartí wrote:

      Thanks to you, the truth is that I'm having a difficult year. Now the
      only Cobol programmer I had left the company on Monday, September 23,
      and I also took care of administration and payments.

      Now I'll have to deal with finding resources for the day-to-day
      running of the company, and or transfer a Web programmer to learn
      Cobol. Finding Cobol experts in this city is very difficult.

      I'm the boss and it seems that I'm always putting out fires
      Anyway, reality is hard


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