
Printing to a Printer

  • John Ritter

    John Ritter - 2024-04-08

    OK. I get it. Been spending way too many hours on this but GC can't directly print to a printer on Linux. Disappointing, as I look to convert 35 year old RM/COBOL programs that used a simple "ASSIGN TO PRINT "PRINTER". That's all that was needed to magically send to the lp command.

    But I can't find any explicit step-by-step examples. All I've found is basically 'send to a text file, then call SYSTEM to print the text file.' But what happens when a bunch of people are printing to that same text file? The only recourse I see is to CALL C$GETPID and create a dynamic output file name.

    Is there a short (ha!) COBOL example program that just sends "Hello World!" to a printer?

    • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

      Under Linux the normal method is to use the default spooler, cups.

      You assign a command using variable starting with lpr ending with the
      name of the spooler / printer.
      In between is the configuration for font, size, margins etc..

      For the assign use ASSIGN "temp-print-name" and I use by habit "prt-1",
      "prt-2" when use lpr with that file name with such a command as : -

      >  Landscape
       01  Print-Report.
           03  filler          pic x(117)     value
           "lpr -r -o 'orientation-requested=4 page-left=21 page-top=48 " &
           "page-right=10 sides=two-sided-long-edge cpi=12 lpi=8' -P ".
           03  PSN             pic x(48)      value "Smart_Tank_7300 ". 
      This is the Cups print spool, change it for yours
           03  PP-Name         pic x(24)      value "prt-1". > Don't change
      this line 18/02/23 was X(15)

      Changing PSN for the spool name
          and PP-Name for the one used in the assign

      Then issue it using :

      call     "SYSTEM" using print-report.

      Having ensured you actually have o/p to it first as it save wasting a
      sheet of paper..

      The above example is for landscape printing  but for portrait I use :

      > 2023/02/18 vbc - Added PP-Name and Print-File-Name - Portrait
       01  Print-Report.
           03  filler          pic x(117)     value
           "lpr -r -o 'orientation-requested=3 page-left=36 page-top=24 " &
           "page-right=24 sides=two-sided-long-edge cpi=12 lpi=8' -P ".
           03  PSN             pic x(48)      value "Smart_Tank_7300 ". 
      This is the Cups print spool, change it for yours
           03  PP-Name         pic x(24)      value "prt-1". > Don't change
      this line 2023-02-18 chngd from 15

      PP-Name need to be large enough for any names you create.
      PSN  "Should" be large enough already.

      On 08/04/2024 23:16, John Ritter wrote:

      OK. I get it. Been spending way too many hours on this but GC can't
      directly print to a printer on Linux. Disappointing, as I look to
      convert 35 year old RM/COBOL programs that used a simple "ASSIGN TO
      PRINT "PRINTER". That's all that was needed to magically send to the
      lp command.

      But I can't find any explicit step-by-step examples. All I've found is
      basically 'send to a text file, then call SYSTEM to print the text
      file.' But what happens when a bunch of people are printing to that
      same text file? The only recourse I see is to CALL C$GETPID and create
      a dynamic output file name.

      Is there a short (ha!) COBOL example program that just sends "Hello
      World!" to a printer?

  • John Ritter

    John Ritter - 2024-04-09

    I did something similar, but my "Print-Report" name includes a process ID number so I don't have to worry about 2 users writing to the same file at the same time. I also have been using enscript instead of either lp or lpr because enscript recognizes a ENSCRIPT environment variable that each user can set to what they want. I don't know of such options for lp or lpr. Somebody might want a bigger font, or landscape vs. portrait and they can set it individually. Enscript doesn't seem to understand many CUPS options like you use, but fortunately I'm not there yet.

    • Vincent (Bryan) Coen

      On 09/04/2024 01:58, John Ritter wrote:

      I did something similar, but my "Print-Report" name includes a process
      ID number so I don't have to worry about 2 users writing to the same
      file at the same time. I also have been using enscript instead of
      either lp or lpr because enscript recognizes a ENSCRIPT environment
      variable that each user can set to what they want. I don't know of
      such options for lp or lpr. Somebody might want a bigger font, or
      landscape vs. portrait and they can set it individually. Enscript
      doesn't seem to understand many CUPS options like you use, but
      fortunately I'm not there yet.

      I have a script that runs against the lpt-xx file that produces a pdf
      file that in turn then prints if needed - see below for a sample :

      13/12/2018 vbc - Tested with Mageia v6 X64 and Raspberry Pi 3B+

      using its standard Debian Linux build.

      enscript --quiet  --no-header -h -L 60 --font=Courier8@8/8 --landscape
      --margins=30:30:10:10 -M A4 -p - logbook.rpt | ps2pdf14 - logbook.pdf
      exit 0

      This one is for my pilots flight logging program.

  • Jack Tearle

    Jack Tearle - 2024-05-08

    Since this is your problem and not mine, have you tried:
    SELECT PRINT-FILE ASSIGN TO "|lp -dqueue_name".

       select print-file assign to printer "|lp -s -dLexmark_MS315dn".
       FD print-file
       data record is prnt-line .
       01  prnt-line pic x(80).
          open output print-file
          write prnt-line from "ABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB"
          close print-file
          stop run.
    • Mickey White

      Mickey White - 2024-05-09

      I also tried this program. It writes a file with the name in quotes as the file name and the data is in that file.
      But the lp command works as a command line of: echo "asdfasdfasdf" |lp -2 -dHPprintername

  • John Ritter

    John Ritter - 2024-05-08

    Thanks, but that was about the third or fourth experiment, and no, it doesn't work. I'm sticking to my original method.

  • Jack Tearle

    Jack Tearle - 2024-05-09

    I changed the select line:
    select print-file assign to '/dev/stdout'
    and changed the execution to ./testprt |lp -ddestination

    • Mickey White

      Mickey White - 2024-05-09

      That works! much like display from sysout, but more control....

      • Mickey White

        Mickey White - 2024-05-10

        I may fiddle around with other options, perhaps, COB_DISPLAY_PRINT_PIPE and other environment variables... I will put on my projects to do list ! now .... back to work !


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