
#166 Unresolved arguments in blinky tutorial project

Version 1.x

Hello! I have some problems with the first blinky project with gnu arm.

I am rather newbie with Eclipse and ARM. I have win 8.1, eclipse cdt luna 4.4.2 32bit, gnu arm eclipse plugin 2.9.3, java 32bit 1.7.0, GNU tools toolchain(4.9 2014q4) and installed build rm and make tools for win.

So, I did everything by the tutorials and have some problems with test Blinky project. I made a new c++ proj, and when i opened main - indexer showed many errors related to standard functions(like atoi and so on) + it has invalid arguments errors fro functions like timer.sleep (Timer::FREQUENCY_HZ).

I also configured the workspace preferences as was suggested, so i don't know what is actually wrong with it. And futrhermore, i can't choose any devices in Project properties\C++ Build\Settings(there arent none).Could u guide me please how to fix these problems?(i didn't find anything close in FAQ and Known issues sections as well as in troubleshooting part of the tutorial..)


  • Liviu Ionescu (ilg)

    indexer showed many errors

    rebuild the index

    can't choose any devices

    install packs (there should be a red message telling you this, can you confirm its presence?)

    • Dmitry Ermachenkov

      Sorry for not replying for so long!

      Rebuilding the index helped. and also i din't install packs, but now it's fixed.

      However i have problems with Qemu. I installed latest version and plugin for eclipse. When i try to debug Blinky.elf via qemu - it starts, but inside Qemu console there is just seconds count: 1 second, two seconds and so on. No virtual image of the board and in console there are no messages about turning on LEDs.. However if i write hex into my STM32F4Discovery board, everything is working properly. I didn't turn the image off in debugger preferences.

      What could be a possible problem, how do you think? I attached a screenshot of QEMU virtual debugging and here is the console example output:

      GNU ARM Eclipse 64-bits QEMU v2.3.50 (qemu-system-gnuarmeclipse.exe).
      Board: 'generic' (Generic Cortex-M board; use -mcu to define the device).
      Device: 'STM32F407VG' (Cortex-M4 r0p0, MPU), Flash: 1024 kB, RAM: 128 kB.
      Command line: 'blinked2' (8 bytes).
      Cortex-M4 r0p0 core initialised.
      GDB Server listening on: 'tcp::1234'...
      Cortex-M4 r0p0 core reset.
      ... connection accepted from

      Write 1004 bytes at 0x08000000-0x080003EB.
      Write 44 bytes at 0x080003EC-0x08000417.
      Write 2024 bytes at 0x08000418-0x08000BFF.
      Write 2032 bytes at 0x08000C00-0x080013EF.
      Write 2032 bytes at 0x080013F0-0x08001BDF.
      Write 2032 bytes at 0x08001BE0-0x080023CF.
      Write 2032 bytes at 0x080023D0-0x08002BBF.
      Write 2032 bytes at 0x08002BC0-0x080033AF.
      Write 352 bytes at 0x080033B0-0x0800350F.
      Write 132 bytes at 0x08003510-0x08003593.
      Execute 'mon system_reset'.

      Cortex-M4 r0p0 core reset.
      PRIGROUP unimplemented
      main(argc=1, argv=["blinked2"]);
      Hello ARM World!
      Standard output message.
      Standard error message.
      System clock: 16000000 Hz
      Second 1
      Second 2

    • Dmitry Ermachenkov

      Thank u, i fixed everything!

  • Dmitry Ermachenkov

    Thank you! Rebuilding indexer worked!

  • Dmitry Ermachenkov

    And also i intalled needful devices and packs.

    However i have another problem with qemu. I installed the latest x64 version of it. And plugin for eclipse.

    While i virtually debug Blinky project in Qemu - it doesn't show any image of a virtual board(however i configured it to show it). Also, in qemu console it writes only seconds without messages about turning off\on LEDs as it was show in tutorial. If i write hex in a real device - everything works properly.
    What could be a possible porblem, how do you think?
    I attach message from qemu console and a screenshot:

    GNU ARM Eclipse 64-bits QEMU v2.3.50 (qemu-system-gnuarmeclipse.exe).
    Board: 'generic' (Generic Cortex-M board; use -mcu to define the device).
    Device: 'STM32F407VG' (Cortex-M4 r0p0, MPU), Flash: 1024 kB, RAM: 128 kB.
    Command line: 'blinked2' (8 bytes).
    Cortex-M4 r0p0 core initialised.
    GDB Server listening on: 'tcp::1234'...
    Cortex-M4 r0p0 core reset.
    ... connection accepted from

    Write 1004 bytes at 0x08000000-0x080003EB.
    Write 44 bytes at 0x080003EC-0x08000417.
    Write 2024 bytes at 0x08000418-0x08000BFF.
    Write 2032 bytes at 0x08000C00-0x080013EF.
    Write 2032 bytes at 0x080013F0-0x08001BDF.
    Write 2032 bytes at 0x08001BE0-0x080023CF.
    Write 2032 bytes at 0x080023D0-0x08002BBF.
    Write 2032 bytes at 0x08002BC0-0x080033AF.
    Write 352 bytes at 0x080033B0-0x0800350F.
    Write 132 bytes at 0x08003510-0x08003593.
    Execute 'mon system_reset'.

    Cortex-M4 r0p0 core reset.
    PRIGROUP unimplemented
    main(argc=1, argv=["blinked2"]);
    Hello ARM World!
    Standard output message.
    Standard error message.
    System clock: 16000000 Hz
    Second 1
    Second 2
    Second 3
    Qemu exits after 22 secs

  • Liviu Ionescu (ilg)

    ... Board: 'generic' ... it doesn't show any image ...

    what image would you like to see for board 'generic'? use stm32f4-discovery, or any other supported board, and it'll show the expected image.

  • Dmitry Ermachenkov

    Thank you a lot! I made a bit incorrect settings and chose not board, but just controller. I think this topic can be closed. Thank you again!

  • Liviu Ionescu (ilg)

    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: Liviu Ionescu (ilg)