Plug-in version: um, each sub-plugin has its own version number... they are from and all seem have date string 201501191402.
Eclipse version: 4.3.2 Kepler SR2
Building a "STM32F0xx C/C++ Project" with all default values in the wizard fails:
... Building file: ../system/src/cortexm/exception_handlers.c Invoking: Cross ARM C Compiler arm-none-eabi-gcc -mcpu=cortex-m0 -mthumb -Og -fmessage-length=0 -fsigned-char -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-move-loop-invariants -Wall -Wextra -g3 -DDEBUG -DUSE_FULL_ASSERT -DTRACE -DOS_USE_TRACE_SEMIHOSTING_DEBUG -DSTM32F051 -DUSE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER -DHSE_VALUE=8000000 -I"../include" -I"../system/include" -I"../system/include/cmsis" -I"../system/include/stm32f0-stdperiph" -std=gnu11 -MMD -MP -MF"system/src/cortexm/exception_handlers.d" -MT"system/src/cortexm/exception_handlers.o" -c -o "system/src/cortexm/exception_handlers.o" "../system/src/cortexm/exception_handlers.c" ../system/src/cortexm/exception_handlers.c: In function 'dumpExceptionStack': ../system/src/cortexm/exception_handlers.c:91:39: error: 'SCB_Type' has no member named 'HFSR' trace_printf (" HFSR = %08X\n", SCB->HFSR); ^ ../system/src/cortexm/exception_handlers.c:92:39: error: 'SCB_Type' has no member named 'DFSR' trace_printf (" DFSR = %08X\n", SCB->DFSR); ...
The exact same steps work just fine with the plugins installed from, so this is a regression.
I confirm the problem.
the latest version has some new exception handlers; they were designed using the Cortex-M3 manual; I ignored to test them on any Cortex-M0... :-(
please try version 2.5.2-201501200952 available from updates-test, it should build correctly.
I tested that version and can confirm that the issue is fixed. Thanks!
you're welcome!
thank you for helping improve GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins.
fixed since 2.6.1-201502281154