
Full-featured free Ada 95/2005 compiler?

  • interpretarian

    interpretarian - 2007-07-13


    Is it ever going to be possible to have all the language features of Ada 95/2005 (including the Systems, Real-Time and Security annexes) available in a free compiler, or will one have to pay money to be able to do everything? It looks like the Security and Real-Time annexes are always going to be proprietary. Any thoughts?

    • Able Ape

      Able Ape - 2008-10-29

      Is this good discourse? Martin and Jeffrey, Are you purposely inserting a technical legal word into a common use language phrase to confuse people? You are using the word out of its legal context and asserting that it must be accepted by the greater population as normal usage. This is a polesemic crime of the 1st degree. I think Kansas is getting ready to make forced polesemy violations a felony, so please be careful with your linguistic pugilism.

    • Able Ape

      Able Ape - 2008-01-12

      I think you may be confused. There are no free Ada compilers. If you use GNAT GPL then you are obligated to give your software away for free. Thus you are losing the opportunity to make money because you chose a GPL compilation system. Am I wrong? I would appreciate others insight on this.

      • Jeffrey Creem

        Jeffrey Creem - 2008-01-12

        Yes. You are wrong. You also appear to be a troll. Am I wrong? I would appreciate others insight on this.

      • Martin Krischik

        Martin Krischik - 2008-01-12

        Of course you are wrong. It saddens me the hear again GPL FUD. Try reading the GPL for a change - the new GPL 3 is easy enough to read. And the GPL 3 explicitly states that you are allowed to sell your software - you are even encuraged to do so.


    • Martin Krischik

      Martin Krischik - 2008-01-12

      Depends how you define "Free". It seems your definition is "gratis" [1] - and if so then say so.

      But then no matter what definition you mean GNAT is free in all meaning of the word.

      Even in the case GNAT/Pro you don't pay for the compiler - you pay for support. You get the compiler (including source code) gratis with the support contract. And if you want to you can redistribute the GNAT/Pro.

      Also note that the Real-Time is of litte use without a Real-Time operating system. Still, GCC 4.3 is supposed to come with "Best-Effort" Real-Time support form normal OS'es. We see when it is there.




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