
Unprivileged installation

  • Björn Persson

    Björn Persson - 2006-01-28

    I tried to make my own RPM database following your instructions, but it doesn't work for me on Fedora. I created /home/bjorn/.rpmmacros with this content:

    %_dbpath /var/lib/rpm
    %_dbpath_rebuild /home/bjorn/.rpm

    but RPM seems to try to use the system database anyway:

    [bjorn@groucho ~]$ LANG=C rpm --rebuilddb
    error: can't create transaction lock on /var/lib/rpm/__db.000

    I also have some questions. Is this method supposed to make a copy of the entire RPM database – a copy that will get outdated as soon as Root installs, removes or updates something – or will it be a separate database with only my own packages? Can RPM resolve dependencies across databases so that packages installed by Root can satisfy dependencies of the packages I install?

    • Martin Krischik

      Martin Krischik - 2006-01-29

      Hello Björn

      I tried it again with SuSE and it worked Ok. I guess SuSE is configured to create the transaction lock somewhere else. Check your "/usr/lib/rpm/macros".

      And yes: unprivileged installation is a hack. You need a copy of the rpm database for the dependency list but it will get outdated eventualy.



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