
Errors with 3.15p binaries on Solaris 8

  • sbrague

    sbrague - 2007-03-29

    Hi all. Hopefully in the right forum for discussing this.

    We've got a few developers who've been coding with the 3.15p ada binaries on some old Sun 280Rs and Ultra 60s running Solaris 8. We recently added two Sunfire V240s, also installed Solaris 8, and patched them up with the latest Recommended patch set from Sun. When the V240s try to compile any ada code using the 3.15p binaries they get the following error:

    +===========================GNAT BUG DETECTED==============================+
    | 3.15p (20020523) (sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1) Constraint_Error SIGSEGV |
    | Error detected at /opt/gnat/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1/2.8.1/adainclude/|
    | Please submit bug report by email to |
    | Use a subject line meaningful to you and us to track the bug. |
    | (include your customer number #nnn in the subject line). |
    | Include the entire contents of this bug box in the report. |
    | Include the exact gcc or gnatmake command that you entered. |
    | Also include sources listed below in gnatchop format |
    | (concatenated together with no headers between files). |
    | (use plain ASCII or MIME attachment, or FTP to your customer directory). |
    | See README.GNATPRO for full info on procedure for submitting bugs. |

    Please include these source files with error report


    compilation abandoned
    gnatmake: "hello.adb" compilation error

    The hello.adb program is pretty straight-forward. Looks like this:

    with Ada.Text_IO;
    use Ada.Text_IO;

    procedure hello is
    Put_Line("Hello World");
    end hello;

    I installed the 4.0.2 binaries of gnat, and they work and compile on these machines. However, the developers have code that compiles under 3.15 but not under 4.0.

    Is anyone familiar with this type of problem? Near as I can figure the only difference between the machines is the level of recommended patches that have been applied. Are there known issues with particular Solaris Libraries?

    I appreciate any tips and pointers on this. I'm stumped.


  • Jim Heedles

    Jim Heedles - 2016-03-15

    Hi anyone.

    I'm having a similar problem with Gnat Pro 3.16a1 with newer solaris boxes (Solaris 10). Did this ever get resolved?



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