
Mixing Ada+C+Assembly

  • Alexandre Bencz

    Alexandre Bencz - 2011-04-26

    Hi :)

    I'm trying to add codes in C and Assembly with ada, but I have some doubts,
    such as:

    working with C functions that require more than one argument, eg:

     int sum(int a, int b, int c, int d)
    return a+b+c+d;

    and how can I join with assembly code in Ada.


  • pcas1986

    pcas1986 - 2011-04-27

    The answer to your first question is to pass across a pointer to a record of
    the four integers you wish to add together in C. You should read the
    "Interfaces to other languages" annex in the Ada Ref Manual. It was Annex B
    for Ada 95. Don't know about 2005 or 2010. You will almost certainly find some
    C interface examples in the standard GNAT libraries.

    I've never done an assembly language interface so I cannot help you there. I
    vaguely remember seeing an example in one of John Barnes' earlier books on Ada
    - an Ada 83 version I think.

    You could also ask your questions on the usenet comp.lang.ada. Its a lot more
    active than this service and they get many questions similar to yours.

  • Simon Wright

    Simon Wright - 2011-04-27

    I just spent 15 minutes answering your question, but %^$£$@%$ Sourceforge lost
    it (I really need to remember that Sourceforge doesn't work well with Safari
    and tabs).

    See the GNAT User Guide for interfacing with
    and inline
    (at the end).

    And, Paul isn't correct about needing to wrap the arguments in a record (the C
    expects 4 arguments, not one!) See the ARM.

  • Martin Krischik

    Martin Krischik - 2011-04-27

    Hi bencz.

    A very exotic place for this question ;-) . May I humbly suggest comp.lang.ada
    for questions of this type:

    While the two answers you got are certainly good at comp.lang.ada you might
    get even more interesting answers to you questions.



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