
GtkAda undefined attribute "externally_built"

  • Alexander Camek

    Alexander Camek - 2006-10-13

    Hi all,

    i have downloaded the GNU/GCC rpms for Suse10_i686. After I have installed the things i needed:
    GCC, Devel packages, GDB and GtkAda, i run a build with my sources.

    With old version and GNAT Pro every thing works fine, but with your versions i got following error in the gtkada.gpr:
    gtkada.gpr:7:08: undefined attribute "externally_built"

    Have i installed the wrong version? Did I missed any file to install?
    This problem happens during building a library which uses a gpr file which includes the gtkada project file

    Thanks for any help



    • Alexander Camek

      Alexander Camek - 2006-10-17

      I see, but i don't use the GPS.

      the only thing where GtkAda is involved is in my .gpr file where i use a with "gtkada" and then it uses the gtkada.gpr.
      In that gtkada.gpr there is this symbol called:
      Externally_Built := "yes". This gtkada.gpr is contained in the GtkAda.rpm from this page.

      As I read a thread earlier, that the GtkAda was checkout from AdaCore. So, like I have understood you, this symbol is only working with the AdaCore Version of the Gnat Ada compiler or with a later version?

      So I would glad to get your build scripts so I can pack my Gnat Pro Verion to an rpm in order to fix my problem. How can I get this script? Hopefully this will work.

      Will one day this compiler here support the whole symbols which are referred in the Gnat RM?

      Thnaks for your help and for the support you offered.



      • Martin Krischik

        Martin Krischik - 2006-10-17

        The RPM machinism is described on the Wiki:

        If there are any problems with the description then you can either fix them yourself, it is a wiki and you are free to change, or raise a bug report and we look into it.

        One thing not mentioned: For GNAT/Pro you use "make pro" ;-)


    • Martin Krischik

      Martin Krischik - 2006-10-13

      If GNAT/Pro works then it is likely a new feature of the compiler which is not yet available to GNAT GCC. The GNAT compiler currently get's quite a bit of improvement.

      We have similar problems woth GPS - that's why there is only a GNAT/GPL version.

      Currently we are waiting for GCC 4.2.0 which hopefully has all the features needed.

      If you have access to GNAT/Pro then you might want to get our build scripts - they can built the current GNAT/Pro as well.


    • Alexander Camek

      Alexander Camek - 2006-10-16

      Hi Marting,

      Okay, but the GtkAda which I use, was downloaded from this page. And i use for the build also the gcc rpm package from this page. So that's why i am a little bit confused.

      Maybe I should give your build scripts a try.

      Thanks for your help



      • Martin Krischik

        Martin Krischik - 2006-10-16

        The important part is which version you use. Not every Gtk version can be combined with for example every GPS.

        A very frustrating situation as AdaCore is not very helpfull with the versioning system.

        I for example have a new Gtk "gps 4.0.1" version. AdaCore (There is a script which can create that version). Sadly I still can't create a GPS 4.0.1 with it as a some new feature from the compiler is needed which is not yet available - apart from maybe HEAD.



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