Bewied - 2014-02-27

The frontpage advertises, among other things:
GNOME Sudoku automatically generates new puzzles in the background when you are getting low

Sadly, my installation of gnome-sudoku has run out of sudokus, yielding this output on the console:

$ gnome-sudoku -v
Starting GNOME Sudoku in debug mode
gnome_sudoku.main.UI __init__ () {}
<class 'gnome_sudoku.gsudoku.SudokuGameDisplay'> __init__ () {}
<class 'gnome_sudoku.gsudoku.SudokuGameDisplay'> setup_grid (None, 9) {}
gnome_sudoku.main.UI setup_tracker_interface () {}
<class 'gnome_sudoku.main.TrackerBox'> __init__ (<gnome_sudoku.main.UI instance at 0x151cdd0>,) {}
<class 'gnome_sudoku.main.TrackerBox'> setup_actions () {}
<class 'gnome_sudoku.main.TrackerBox'> setup_tree () {}
<class 'gnome_sudoku.main.TrackerBox'> get_tracker_pixbuf ((0, 0, 0),) {}
gnome_sudoku.main.UI auto_hint_cb (<ToggleAction object at 0x16b0780 (GtkToggleAction at 0x1671150)>,) {}
gnome_sudoku.main.UI tracker_toggle_cb (<ToggleAction object at 0x16b07d0 (GtkToggleAction at 0x16712b0)>,) {}
<class 'gnome_sudoku.main.TrackerBox'> reset () {}
gnome_sudoku.game_selector.NewOrSavedGameSelector __init__ () {}
gnome_sudoku.game_selector.NewOrSavedGameSelector make_new_game_model () {}
WARNING: Not able to provide 1 puzzles in levels ['very hard']
WARNING: Generate more puzzles if you really need this many puzzles!
WARNING: Repeating puzzle for difficulty very hard -- generate more puzzles to avoid this.
gnome_sudoku.game_selector.NewOrSavedGameSelector make_saved_game_model () {}`

It doesn't mention on the man page or anywhere on the first few google result pages how to do this "generating more puzzles" :(

But I did find that this problem seems to be FIVE YEARS old:

This is very strange, as I'm surely not the exception when I install the game and actually play it quite a while?

I tried moving the config dir ( $HOME/.config/gnome-sudoku ), so that I can at least replay all the sudokus from the beginning, but this doesn't work, either. Then I checked whether the regenerated config-files are any different from what I just moved out of the way:

~/.config$ diff -s gnome-sudoku.bak/puzzles/very_hard gnome-sudoku/puzzles/very_hard 
Dateien gnome-sudoku.bak/puzzles/very_hard und gnome-sudoku/puzzles/very_hard sind identisch.

Playing around a bit more with diff, it looks like there is absolutely nothing "generating new puzzles", since there's no difference between the files just generated and the files accumulating over roughly 1 year (except the "finished" directory and its contents).

Isn't there anyone who is bother by the fact you can only play 150 or so puzzles, and after that the game just breaks, even though "puzzle generation" is advertised (and probably at some point was implemented)?