
1.1.3 - Replaygain crashing

  • Sheamus Sweeney

    Sheamus Sweeney - 2009-10-19

    Hi Quentin,

    I'm getting crashes when I try to run replaygain analysis for mp3 files. This is the output when I run through terminal:

    MakeFilterFromGID => album:~:Hey Venus!album_artist=Super Furry Animals at /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/ line 1343.
    Songs::SortList(ARRAY(0xc805808) filetype)
    sort (filetype) : 0 s
    /home/sheamus/Music/Rock and Pop/S/Super Furry Animals/sfa.jpg not found
    analysing  /home/sheamus/Music/Rock and Pop/S/Super Furry Animals/Super Furry Animals - Hey Venus!/09.Suckers.mp3
    (in cleanup) Can't locate object method "get_caps" via package "GStreamer::Pipeline" at /usr/bin/../share/gmusicbrowser/ line 496.
    Segmentation fault

    Would be great if this could be sorted, as gmb writes replaygain tags for mp3 files into the id3 tags whereas most other programs write into APE tags. I use rockbox on my ipod which can only read the id3 tags.

  • squentin

    squentin - 2009-10-20

    I think the error is misleading and it's a memory mixup that causes random error until it crashes.
    I also get segmentation fault from time to time :( I don't know who is to blame, gstreamer, the gstreamer bindings or gmb. I'll try to investigate.

  • Sheamus Sweeney

    Sheamus Sweeney - 2009-10-21

    OK. Let me know if you want me to try and replicate anything.


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