
Gnome Completion-Run Utility / News: Recent posts

0.9 released

As with the normal release schedule, ;-]] -- almost 1 year between releases -- I just released today the GTK-2 compatible version.

It also contains some minor bug-fixes and a small new feature (configure option ShowDotFiles, you'll guess what it does, and if not then feel free to look through the source ;-)).

./configure && make all install, as I don't waste time to make RPM-s

Posted by Mihai Bazon 2003-06-21

gmrun-0.8 (it was so long I'm so ashame)

Some new features: has extension handlers (see config file), can execute commands with system (--enable-system at configure), can simulate a TAB press automatically (see config file, var TabTimeout).

Some bug fixes: now allows white-space chars inside file names and completion still works correctly. Other minor bugs.

No RPMS -- I don't do RPMS anymore since I'm not good at it. Need some help in this area from volonteers.. :)

Posted by Mihai Bazon 2002-08-16

Project stalled.

This small project is on hold since probably about half year, and it seems that it will stay like this for some time as my work leaves too little time. Volunteers wanted, though I'm in a creativity crisis and I don't see anything more to be done on this project :) maybe others have nice ideas, feel free to submit them. Contact me at Thanks.

Posted by Mihai Bazon 2002-02-25

New features in release 0.7

- last history item appears selected as the default action
- added AlwaysInTerm config option -- list of programs what will always be executed in terminal
- fixed some annoying bug regarding completion list ordering
- fixed bug with URL as parameters

Posted by Mihai Bazon 2001-10-20

Programs are not run with "system" anymore (since 0.6.1)

For running programs we are now using execv functions; this helps avoiding forking a new shell -- runs smoother, lower mem usage. Update to 0.6.1!

Posted by Mihai Bazon 2001-08-01

gmrun 0.6.0 released!

Added URL-handling facility: e.g. you can enter to view this project's page in your favorite browser (customizable from config file).

RPMS were more carefully built (some older versions RPMS contained the source code too, although they were binary RPMS...)

Documentation (this means, the README file) has been updated with some (hopefully) useful hints.

Posted by Mihai Bazon 2001-07-27

"!" added (like bash, only nicer)

"!" enters some special history search mode, listing the last command started with the entered text.

Posted by Mihai Bazon 2001-07-24

RPM-s for 0.5.4 added

RPMS were added for this new release (0.5.4). Requires libstdc++-v3. Maybe someday when I'll have more time I will get rid of this dependency (although I don't see the reason...)

Posted by Mihai Bazon 2001-07-21

History search mode

Added capabilities to search through history by using CTRL-R / CTRL-S as in bash / Emacs.

Posted by Mihai Bazon 2001-07-18